April 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Apr 1 03:04:46 EDT 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 18:36:18 EDT 2009
Messages: 474
- [Bugs] #105 MAJO: SoaS should include the software update control panel
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #105 MAJO: SoaS should include the software update control panel
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #607 HIGH: List of Activities on latest Soas2 build that fail to launch
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #402 UNSP: Chat: shows "share or invite" hint even on resume of shared instance
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #402 UNSP: Chat: shows "share or invite" hint even on resume of shared instance
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #402 UNSP: Chat: shows "share or invite" hint even on resume of shared instance
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #586 UNSP: Browse cannot upload activity bundles to activities.sugarlabs.org because of Journal name scrambling.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #586 UNSP: Browse cannot upload activity bundles to activities.sugarlabs.org because of Journal name scrambling.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #672 UNSP: export picture as pdf or png
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #402 UNSP: Chat: shows "share or invite" hint even on resume of shared instance
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #676 UNSP: sugar-launch doesn't cwd to the bundle dir
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #677 UNSP: Soas2-appliance not booting in VirtualBox with kernel 2.6.29-
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #678 UNSP: Can not change language
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #679 UNSP: No file browser in Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #678 HIGH: Can not change language
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #679 UNSP: No file browser in Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #680 UNSP: Problems uninstalling the activities in ~/Activities
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #388 NORM: difficulty coloring highlighted text in Write
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #681 UNSP: file transfer icon blinks for a few seconds and then disappears
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #119 HIGH: Scrollbar off the screen on some sites on my X40 laptop
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #574 UNSP: Sugar lacks OLPC's dynamic content library
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #524 UNSP: Network manager non responsive to disconnect request while stuck connecting (was: Stuck connecting)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #682 UNSP: corrupted file received from Empathy
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #682 UNSP: corrupted file received from Empathy
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #300 UNSP: Stuck in loop while trying to connect to a wifi network (was: Sugar Connecting to a Network Problem)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #524 UNSP: Network manager non responsive to disconnect request while stuck connecting
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #317 UNSP: all wifi points flashing as I try to connect
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #599 UNSP: EVO D500 - Can it actually boot from USB?
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #682 UNSP: corrupted file received from Empathy
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #678 HIGH: Can not change language
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #680 HIGH: Problems uninstalling the activities in ~/Activities
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #645 UNSP: make sugarlabs.org the default page
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #643 URGE: livecd-iso-to-disk.sh needs syslinux 3.73
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #625 LOW: disable logout option for soas (was: login screen on soas-2 should be branded?)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #628 IMME: put the sugarlabs brand on the soas boot screen
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #641 UNSP: liveusb-creator v3.6 needs python >= 2.6
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #681 UNSP: file transfer icon blinks for a few seconds and then disappears
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #645 UNSP: make sugarlabs.org the default page
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #681 UNSP: Notifications need motion enhancement to indicate their relationship to the Frame. (was: file transfer icon blinks for a few seconds and then disappears)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #683 UNSP: Add ASLO to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #645 UNSP: make sugarlabs.org the default page
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #572 HIGH: Record won't launch due to _sha_data attr (among other reasons)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #307 IMME: DBus policy needs checking
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #670 UNSP: Autocompletion broken
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #684 UNSP: don't pick up the sugar theme - use the native mozilla one instead
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #684 UNSP: don't pick up the sugar theme - use the native mozilla one instead
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #668 UNSP: Sugar: Native on Mac OS X (10.x)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #461 UNSP: Sometimes an activity will not start
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #246 NORM: Shutdown/Reboot fails when multiple users are logged in
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #680 HIGH: Problems uninstalling the activities in ~/Activities
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #631 UNSP: Ananconda issues in Soas2-200903251017.iso
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #628 IMME: put the sugarlabs brand on the soas boot screen
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #685 UNSP: Update 'download' link on www.sugarlabs.org
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #685 UNSP: Update links on www.sugarlabs.org (mainly on sitemap) (was: Update 'download' link on www.sugarlabs.org)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #677 UNSP: Soas2-appliance not booting in VirtualBox with kernel 2.6.29-
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #677 UNSP: Soas2-appliance not booting in VirtualBox with kernel 2.6.29-
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #686 HIGH: please move linkes in aslo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #687 UNSP: Write coloring of text sometimes doesn't work
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #688 UNSP: There is no stop option on currently running activities in in the home view
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #689 UNSP: Palette in home view activity icons should say "resume blabla activity"
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #689 UNSP: Palette in home view activity icons should say "resume blabla activity"
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #686 HIGH: please move linkes in aslo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #456 HIGH: Browse hangs when trying to open file:///home/...
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #456 HIGH: Browse hangs when trying to open file:///home/...
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #690 UNSP: Invalid entry in MANIFEST
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #687 UNSP: Write coloring of text sometimes doesn't work
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #691 UNSP: Wrong permission and other errors
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #692 UNSP: Wiki page of FlipSticks is missing
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #687 UNSP: Write coloring of text sometimes doesn't work
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #421 UNSP: Sugar on a Stick not booting into Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #461 UNSP: Sometimes an activity will not start
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #692 UNSP: Wiki page of FlipSticks is missing
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #693 NORM: add espeak and gstreamer-plugins-espeak
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #694 URGE: xulrunner: security update
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #694 URGE: xulrunner: security update
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #695 UNSP: update telepathy in jhbuild
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #123 MAJO: [Sugar emulator on Ubuntu 8.04] Browse doesn't launch.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #123 MAJO: [Sugar emulator on Ubuntu 8.04] Browse doesn't launch.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #682 UNSP: corrupted file received from Empathy
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #696 UNSP: aslo View the source Link broken
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #696 UNSP: aslo View the source Link broken
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #137 NORM: Use standalone glue not rpath linking for xulrunner
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #697 NORM: Wrong logo displayed on also developer dashboard
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #698 UNSP: OperationalError: database is locked
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #699 UNSP: Ubuntu Jaunty: python-csound not installable
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #700 NORM: add google spreadsheet widget to wiki
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #701 UNSP: Let user upgrade system activity from .xo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #701 UNSP: Let user upgrade system activity from .xo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #702 UNSP: Start DBus before sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #703 UNSP: Support evince binding w/o document_links support
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #703 UNSP: Support evince binding w/o document_links support
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #703 UNSP: Support evince binding w/o document_links support
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #704 UNSP: sugar/dispatch/license.txt is missing from the sugar-base source tarball
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #704 UNSP: sugar/dispatch/license.txt is missing from the sugar-base source tarball
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #702 UNSP: Start DBus before sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #702 UNSP: Start DBus before sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #701 UNSP: Let user upgrade system activity from .xo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #703 UNSP: Support evince binding w/o document_links support
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #705 UNSP: no sound in flash videos on browse
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #705 UNSP: no sound in flash videos on browse
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #705 UNSP: no sound in flash videos on browse
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #701 UNSP: Let user upgrade system activity from .xo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #498 UNSP: Shutdown/Restart does not work after X-server restart
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #706 UNSP: Join activity from Groups View
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #703 UNSP: Support evince binding w/o document_links support
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #707 UNSP: if user updates an activity installed in /usr/share/activities, both versions remain installed
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #701 UNSP: Let user upgrade system activity from .xo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #421 UNSP: Sugar on a Stick not booting into Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #707 UNSP: if user updates an activity installed in /usr/share/activities, both versions remain installed
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #461 UNSP: Sometimes an activity will not start
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #707 HIGH: if user updates an activity installed in /usr/share/activities, both versions remain installed
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #708 UNSP: squeak FTBFS on Fedora Rawhide
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #707 HIGH: if user updates an activity installed in /usr/share/activities, both versions remain installed
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #709 NORM: bootscreen still needs improvements
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #710 UNSP: RFE: add sudo to SoaS2
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #703 UNSP: Support evince binding w/o document_links support
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #711 UNSP: Consider switching to cjson
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #712 LOW: test totem-mozplugin in browse
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #713 UNSP: Filter for images
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #714 UNSP: filter for audio
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #715 UNSP: Filter for Images
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #716 UNSP: Filter for Images
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #707 HIGH: if user updates an activity installed in /usr/share/activities, both versions remain installed
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #707 HIGH: if user updates an activity installed in /usr/share/activities, both versions remain installed
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #456 HIGH: Browse hangs when trying to open file:///home/...
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #711 UNSP: Consider switching to cjson
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #717 UNSP: Gitorious search is broken again
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #418 URGE: Resolve Gitorious blacklisting issues with OUOSL.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #718 NORM: Typos in .sugar/debug
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #689 UNSP: Palette in home view activity icons should say "resume blabla activity"
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #683 UNSP: Add ASLO to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #683 UNSP: Add ASLO to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #683 UNSP: Add ASLO to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #683 UNSP: Add ASLO to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #711 UNSP: Adopt to json changes in python-2.6 (was: Consider switching to cjson)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #541 UNSP: Mime type mess with files downloaded with Browse
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #297 UNSP: Index finger (Browse link) pointer's active point is too low
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #626 UNSP: spurious storage devices in Frame on bootup
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #719 UNSP: Speaker palette has fixed width
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #720 UNSP: Include keyboard panel
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #721 UNSP: Better systemated testing
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #720 UNSP: Include keyboard panel
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #626 UNSP: spurious storage devices in Frame on bootup
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #721 UNSP: Better systemated testing
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #722 UNSP: Better notification for in activity events
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #723 UNSP: Need a way to diff to builds
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #723 UNSP: Need a way to diff two builds (was: Need a way to diff to builds)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #682 UNSP: corrupted file received from Empathy
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #722 UNSP: Better notification for in activity events
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #722 UNSP: Better notification for in activity events
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #722 UNSP: Better notification for in activity events
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #674 UNSP: How to handle the exported content?
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #421 UNSP: Sugar on a Stick not booting into Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #724 UNSP: SoaS-2-0406 on VirtualBox2.2.0b2 fails to open Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #719 UNSP: Speaker palette has fixed width
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #719 UNSP: Palette needs a minimum size (was: Speaker palette has fixed width)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #724 UNSP: SoaS-2-0406 on VirtualBox2.2.0b2 fails to open Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #722 UNSP: Better notification for in activity events
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #725 UNSP: failed to log into jabber server
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #725 UNSP: failed to log into jabber server
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #718 NORM: Typos in .sugar/debug
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #155 MINO: TurtleArtwithSensors has different requirements for non-XO hardware
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #722 UNSP: Better notification for in activity events
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #726 UNSP: Write UI "crashes" when collaborator unexpectely disconnects (soas-beta)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #726 UNSP: Write UI "crashes" when collaborator unexpectely disconnects (soas-beta)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #726 UNSP: Write UI "crashes" when collaborator unexpectely disconnects (soas-beta)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #726 UNSP: Write UI "crashes" when collaborator unexpectely disconnects (soas-beta)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #726 UNSP: Write UI "crashes" when collaborator unexpectely disconnects (soas-beta)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #626 UNSP: spurious storage devices in Frame on bootup
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #626 UNSP: spurious storage devices in Frame on bootup
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #626 UNSP: spurious storage devices in Frame on bootup
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #694 URGE: xulrunner: security update
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #724 UNSP: SoaS-2-0406 & SoaS-beta on VirtualBox2.2.0 fails to open Sugar (was: SoaS-2-0406 on VirtualBox2.2.0b2 fails to open Sugar)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #727 UNSP: Fedora Rawhide: dejavu-fonts has been split
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #728 UNSP: Request for a gentoo-overlay trac component
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #729 UNSP: Browse 98 never starts, with the error "no module named hulahop"
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #729 UNSP: Browse 98 never starts, with the error "no module named hulahop"
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #555 HIGH: jhbuild missing pygame dependancy for some activities (sugar as a platform)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #694 URGE: xulrunner: security update
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #730 HIGH: no mouse pointer e.g. with via hardware
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #730 HIGH: no mouse pointer e.g. with via hardware
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #708 UNSP: squeak FTBFS on Fedora Rawhide
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #729 UNSP: Browse 98 never starts, with the error "no module named hulahop"
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #695 UNSP: update telepathy in jhbuild
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #729 UNSP: Browse 98 never starts, with the error "no module named hulahop"
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #730 HIGH: no mouse pointer e.g. with via hardware
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #456 HIGH: Browse hangs when trying to open file:///home/...
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #456 HIGH: Browse hangs when trying to open file:///home/...
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #626 UNSP: spurious storage devices in Frame on bootup
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #728 UNSP: Request for a gentoo-overlay trac component
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #698 UNSP: OperationalError: database is locked
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #675 UNSP: Add Develop (activity) as a component here in trac
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #731 UNSP: Search is not working
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #716 UNSP: Filter for Images
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #715 UNSP: Filter for Images
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #697 NORM: Wrong logo displayed on also developer dashboard
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #696 UNSP: aslo View the source Link broken
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #696 UNSP: aslo View the source Link broken
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #211 NORM: migrate to GtkEntry and drop SexyIconEntry
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #210 HIGH: remove custom code used in the address entry
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #731 UNSP: Search is not working
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #210 HIGH: remove custom code used in the address entry
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #626 UNSP: spurious storage devices in Frame on bootup
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #732 HIGH: Write hangs when closing
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #732 HIGH: Write hangs when closing
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #733 HIGH: blank screen in journal after unmounting an usb stick
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #456 HIGH: Browse hangs when trying to open file:///home/...
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #456 HIGH: Browse hangs when trying to open file:///home/...
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #732 HIGH: Write hangs when closing
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #668 UNSP: Sugar: Native on Mac OS X (10.x)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #734 UNSP: De camelCasing has broken side bar link to GettingInvolved wiki page
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #734 UNSP: De camelCasing has broken side bar link to GettingInvolved wiki page
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #735 HIGH: Liblicense on Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #736 NORM: jhbuild wrong depndency for debian
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #736 HIGH: jhbuild wrong depndency for debian
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #737 UNSP: sugar shouldn't handle XO keyboard keys directly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #737 UNSP: sugar shouldn't handle XO keyboard keys directly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #738 UNSP: installing activities from Browse seems to be broken
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #738 UNSP: installing activities from Browse seems to be broken
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #739 UNSP: Installation of Python packages to prefix different from /usr/local broken on Ubuntu Jaunty
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #738 UNSP: installing activities from Browse seems to be broken
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #740 UNSP: Make Record Activity work on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #741 UNSP: Brand Boot Helper
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #742 HIGH: Etoys sound not working on WinXP SoaS2 04/09
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #743 NORM: Hablar con Sara does not load on Soas2
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #744 UNSP: build error when building sugar-jhbuil on ubuntu 9.04
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #744 UNSP: build error when building sugar-jhbuild on ubuntu 9.04 (was: build error when building sugar-jhbuil on ubuntu 9.04)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #743 NORM: Hablar con Sara does not load on Soas2
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #745 UNSP: Wireless doesn't work on Asus eeepc 901/1000
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #633 UNSP: Soas2-200903251017 on VirtualBox has trouble booting from VBox disc
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #724 UNSP: Yum install error (file conflict: nss-softokn-freebl- conflicts with file from package nss- (was: SoaS-2-0406 & SoaS-beta on VirtualBox2.2.0 fails to open Sugar)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #746 UNSP: SoaS appliance distribution tweaks
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #746 UNSP: SoaS appliance distribution tweaks
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #553 UNSP: jhbuild fails to build on clean fedora 10 install (libsoup-2.4)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #717 UNSP: Gitorious search is broken again
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #717 UNSP: Gitorious search is broken again
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #743 NORM: Hablar con Sara does not load on Soas2
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #742 HIGH: Etoys sound not working on WinXP SoaS2 04/09
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #747 NORM: Develop Activity does not show all activities - SoaS2 0.842
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #748 HIGH: Downloading activities does not finish - SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #744 UNSP: build error when building sugar-jhbuild on ubuntu 9.04
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #748 HIGH: Downloading activities does not finish - SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #749 UNSP: FTBFS on Fedora 10 (sugar-jhbuild)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #735 HIGH: Liblicense on Sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #749 UNSP: FTBFS on Fedora 10 (sugar-jhbuild)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #749 UNSP: FTBFS on Fedora 10 (sugar-jhbuild)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #626 UNSP: spurious storage devices in Frame on bootup
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #732 HIGH: Write hangs when closing
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #737 UNSP: sugar shouldn't handle XO keyboard keys directly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #737 UNSP: sugar shouldn't handle XO keyboard keys directly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #737 UNSP: sugar shouldn't handle XO keyboard keys directly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #717 UNSP: Gitorious search is broken again
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #750 HIGH: gitorious error while trying to see a commit
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #743 NORM: Hablar con Sara does not load on Soas2
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #751 NORM: install socks5 relay in jabber.sugarlabs.org
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #751 NORM: install socks5 relay in jabber.sugarlabs.org
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #752 UNSP: log flooded by Keyname Press events
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #265 URGE: F11 boot helper CD
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #753 UNSP: Installable Boot Helper
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #754 UNSP: Eliminate Boot Helper CD Wait
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #755 NORM: use composition in machines with enough memory
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #733 HIGH: blank screen in journal after unmounting an usb stick
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #695 UNSP: update telepathy in jhbuild
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #695 UNSP: update telepathy in jhbuild
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #695 UNSP: update telepathy in jhbuild
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #695 UNSP: update telepathy in jhbuild
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #654 UNSP: browse crashes very often
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #756 HIGH: shell consumes lots of cpu on XO
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #736 HIGH: jhbuild wrong depndency for debian
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #654 UNSP: browse crashes very often
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #695 UNSP: update telepathy in jhbuild
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #756 HIGH: shell consumes lots of cpu on XO
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #756 HIGH: shell consumes lots of cpu on XO
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #757 UNSP: telepathy_room_handle unused and unusable
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #757 UNSP: telepathy_room_handle unused and unusable
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #312 UNSP: File transfer implementation in Gabble
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #758 UNSP: Port to new tube API
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #540 UNSP: Support meta bundles in sugar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #733 HIGH: blank screen in journal after unmounting an usb stick
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #756 HIGH: shell consumes lots of cpu on XO
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #759 NORM: mplayer activity stopped working in sugar 0.82
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #754 NORM: Eliminate Boot Helper CD Wait
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #746 UNSP: SoaS appliance distribution tweaks
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #741 HIGH: Brand Boot Helper
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #740 HIGH: Make Record Activity work on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #759 NORM: mplayer activity stopped working in sugar 0.82
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #740 HIGH: Make Record Activity work on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #740 HIGH: Make Record Activity work on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #760 UNSP: Record audio not working on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #761 UNSP: add Trac component for Record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #762 UNSP: Record controls only appear on second launch
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #724 UNSP: Yum install error (file conflict: nss-softokn-freebl- conflicts with file from package nss-
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #761 UNSP: add Trac component for Record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #761 UNSP: add Trac component for Record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #763 UNSP: Take into account new Record repo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #764 UNSP: Soas2-200904161412.iso problems
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #765 LOW: add libuuid-dev to sysdeps?
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #766 UNSP: rich media problems on SoaS Beta-1 on the OLPC-XO-1
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #767 UNSP: develop uses a tiny font
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #768 UNSP: Ship TamTam activities as favorites by default
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #769 UNSP: browse seg faults on startup (openSUSE)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #759 NORM: mplayer activity stopped working in sugar 0.82
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #770 NORM: Labyrinth 6: no funciona pegar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #771 UNSP: maze wouldn't launch in SoaS Beta-1
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #770 NORM: Labyrinth 6: no funciona pegar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #347 UNSP: Pippy does not function properly at non-XO screen resolutions
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #772 UNSP: carquinol.datastore: need to import dbus.service
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #773 UNSP: Add redirect from /wiki/ to /go/
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #472 NORM: Remove unexpected 'save/load' tab from toolbar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #774 UNSP: Keep Error: json.encode() does not exist
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #553 UNSP: jhbuild fails to build on clean fedora 10 install (libsoup-2.4)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #565 UNSP: sugar-emulator: add option to en/disable fullscreen
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #759 NORM: mplayer activity stopped working in sugar 0.82
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #775 UNSP: German translation
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #565 UNSP: sugar-emulator: add option to en/disable fullscreen
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #615 UNSP: shutdown/reboot/logout: don't require hald to be running
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #610 NORM: Journal Palette does not manage too many characters for a title correctly
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #472 NORM: Remove unexpected 'save/load' tab from toolbar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #472 NORM: Remove unexpected 'save/load' tab from toolbar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #472 NORM: Remove unexpected 'save/load' tab from toolbar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #776 UNSP: browse image download doesn't work
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #776 UNSP: browse image download doesn't work
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #776 UNSP: browse image download doesn't work
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #776 UNSP: browse image download doesn't work
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #777 UNSP: Release tarballs of joke-machine
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #777 UNSP: Release tarballs of joke-machine
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #775 UNSP: German translation
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #770 NORM: Labyrinth 6: no funciona pegar
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #778 UNSP: Invalid entries in MANIFEST
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #778 UNSP: Invalid entries in MANIFEST
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #779 UNSP: Wrong file end-of-line-encoding
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #780 UNSP: SoaS on stock flash drives doesn't boot on Dell GX280
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #781 UNSP: Invalid entries in MANIFEST
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #729 UNSP: Browse 98 never starts, with the error "no module named hulahop"
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #63 MAJO: Sugar on a Stick not connecting to School Servers
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #782 UNSP: Can't download a pdf from gmail
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #783 UNSP: Colors does not open on SoaS-1 Beta
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #784 UNSP: Paint is not on the actities portal
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #785 UNSP: Request for adding labyrinth into pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #783 UNSP: Colors does not open on SoaS-1 Beta
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #784 UNSP: Paint is not on the actities portal
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #786 UNSP: Paint is not on Soas-beta.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #786 HIGH: Paint is not on Soas-beta.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #783 UNSP: Colors does not open on SoaS-1 Beta
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #783 UNSP: Colors does not open on SoaS-1 Beta
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #418 URGE: Resolve Gitorious blacklisting issues with OUOSL.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #786 HIGH: Paint is not on Soas-beta.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #787 UNSP: Take into account new Paint repo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #788 UNSP: Request for a Paint trac component
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #761 UNSP: add Trac component for Record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #761 UNSP: add Trac component for Record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #783 UNSP: Colors does not open on SoaS-1 Beta
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #789 UNSP: Use toolbar accelerators in Write
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #790 UNSP: Audio not working on Record on my iMac
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #791 UNSP: Sugar is not collaborating locally on a wired network
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #792 UNSP: Choose video quality to record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #792 UNSP: Choose video quality to record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #793 UNSP: Changing the Jabber Server name does not take effect without a reboot
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #791 UNSP: Sugar is not collaborating locally on a wired network
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #794 UNSP: Paint does not start on SoaS-Beta
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #795 UNSP: Lack of setup.py in Etoys-101.tar.gz
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #795 UNSP: Lack of setup.py in Etoys-101.tar.gz
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #796 UNSP: Network issues on EeePC900
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #796 UNSP: Network issues on EeePC900
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #791 UNSP: Sugar is not collaborating locally on a wired network
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #797 UNSP: turtleart fails to launch in Soas2-200904231400.iso
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #793 UNSP: Changing the Jabber Server name does not take effect without a reboot
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #740 HIGH: Make Record Activity work on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #762 UNSP: Record controls only appear on second launch
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #760 UNSP: Record audio not working on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #798 UNSP: jhbuild on Jaunty has problems
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #798 UNSP: jhbuild on Jaunty has problems
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #310 NORM: Xephyr can't run on :100 on jaunty
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #310 NORM: Xephyr can't run on :100 on jaunty
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #798 UNSP: jhbuild on Jaunty has problems
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #798 UNSP: jhbuild on Jaunty has problems
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #799 UNSP: Need frame key for SoaS (Insert?)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #799 UNSP: Need frame key for SoaS (Insert?)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #799 UNSP: Need frame key for SoaS (Insert?)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #791 UNSP: Sugar is not collaborating locally on a wired network
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #800 UNSP: Set audio capture volumes
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #801 UNSP: Release tarballs of record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #802 UNSP: Record activity doesn't work on Fedora 11 / rawhide
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #767 UNSP: develop uses a tiny font
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #803 UNSP: View source: open with
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #801 UNSP: Release tarballs of record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #760 UNSP: Record audio not working on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #792 UNSP: Choose video quality to record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #790 UNSP: Audio not working on Record on my iMac
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #802 UNSP: Record activity doesn't work on Fedora 11 / rawhide
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #792 UNSP: Choose video quality to record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #760 UNSP: Record audio not working on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #760 UNSP: Record audio not working on SoaS
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #804 UNSP: Sound does not work on the iMac
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #805 UNSP: Browse-108 main canvas scroll bars don't match the rest of the Sugar UI
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #806 UNSP: Activities list view is very similar to Journal view and users delete activities instead of journal entries
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #806 UNSP: Activities list view is very similar to Journal view and users delete activities instead of journal entries
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #806 UNSP: Activities list view is very similar to Journal view and users delete activities instead of journal entries
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #800 UNSP: Set audio capture volumes
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #245 NORM: show spinning cursor when opening the languages cp section
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #650 UNSP: Screenshots to use name of current activity as part of its default title
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #517 UNSP: show MIME type in details view
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #245 NORM: show spinning cursor when opening the languages cp section
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #807 UNSP: UI to support local vs Jabber based collaboration
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #800 UNSP: Set audio capture volumes
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #800 UNSP: Set audio capture volumes
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #739 UNSP: Installation of Python packages to prefix different from /usr/local broken on Ubuntu Jaunty
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #808 UNSP: Can't register at translate.sugarlabs.org/register.html
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #808 UNSP: Can't register at translate.sugarlabs.org/register.html
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #762 UNSP: Record controls only appear on second launch
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #792 UNSP: Choose video quality to record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #792 UNSP: Choose video quality to record
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #795 UNSP: Lack of setup.py in Etoys-101.tar.gz
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #795 UNSP: Lack of setup.py in Etoys-101.tar.gz
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #795 UNSP: Lack of setup.py in Etoys-101.tar.gz
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #74 MAJO: Add self replicating function/application.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #74 MAJO: Add self replicating function/application.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #809 UNSP: Soas2 iso files will not work in VMworkstation6.5.2 Linux
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #810 UNSP: Add Typing Turtle to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #811 UNSP: Firstboot traceback in soas2-20090423
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #812 UNSP: New boot CD needed for testing SoaS Snapshot Soas2-200904231400.iso
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #811 UNSP: Firstboot traceback in soas2-20090423 appliance (was: Firstboot traceback in soas2-20090423)
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #811 UNSP: Firstboot traceback in soas2-20090423 appliance
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #813 HIGH: Paint v.24 problem with clipboard and other
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #814 UNSP: Difficult to install VirtualBox tools in soas-appliance
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #296 UNSP: Active point of Paint pointers should be at tip of pencil, brush, drip on fill bucket, etc.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #74 MAJO: Add self replicating function/application.
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #803 UNSP: View source: open with
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #815 UNSP: Browse right click pallet missing icon for 'Download ...' and incorrectly named
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #800 UNSP: Set audio capture volumes
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #816 UNSP: Support utf-8 source strings
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #817 UNSP: I can'r install soas onto a usb stick using Fedora 9
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #788 UNSP: Request for a Paint trac component
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #713 UNSP: Filter for images
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #818 NORM: xoget v.1 not working
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #655 UNSP: Take into account new JokeMachine repository
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #656 UNSP: Take into account new JigsawPuzzle repository
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #657 UNSP: Take into account new SliderPuzzle repository
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #658 UNSP: Take into account new StoryBuilder repository
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #658 UNSP: Take into account new StoryBuilder repository
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #551 UNSP: Add FlipSticks to pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #550 UNSP: Add CartoonBuilder to pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #419 UNSP: infoslicer pot to pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #411 UNSP: Pootle translation needed for Activities ReadEtexts and View Slides
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #386 UNSP: Add MaMaMedia activities to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #393 UNSP: Add Speak to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #664 UNSP: Add HelloMesh to pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #810 UNSP: Add Typing Turtle to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #810 UNSP: Add Typing Turtle to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #787 UNSP: Take into account new Paint repo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #419 UNSP: infoslicer pot to pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #393 UNSP: Add Speak to Pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #763 UNSP: Take into account new Record repo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #785 UNSP: Request for adding labyrinth into pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #763 UNSP: Take into account new Record repo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #763 UNSP: Take into account new Record repo
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #785 UNSP: Request for adding labyrinth into pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #819 UNSP: Outdated link on 'Activity Team' user profile in Sugar Activity Library
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #819 UNSP: Outdated link on 'Activity Team' user profile in Sugar Activity Library
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #820 UNSP: Sour links on www.sugarlabs.org
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #820 UNSP: Sour links on www.sugarlabs.org
SugarLabs Bugs
- [Bugs] #821 UNSP: Add Develop to pootle
SugarLabs Bugs
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 18:36:18 EDT 2009
Archived on: Thu Apr 30 18:36:19 EDT 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).