[Sugar-devel] SoaS change in engineering direction: activity questions

Sebastian Dziallas sebastian at when.com
Fri Mar 19 22:25:16 EDT 2010

SoaS engineering just proposed a major change-in-direction for the 
upcoming (Mirabelle) release. See 
http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/soas/2010-March/000906.html and 
http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/marketing/2010-March/002727.html for 
more information - the short version is that instead of "include all 
Activites by default," we're thinking of shipping very few (6) 
Activities by default - the ones that help users get further Activities 
and help - and driving them to ASLO to download Activities and engage 
directly with Activity creators (you!) instead.

If you're an Activity maintainer and would really like to see your 
activity in SoaS, please holler and make sure to give us a heads-up. 
Also, testing that your activity actually works with the latest snapshot 
would be awesome, as it gives us some certainty that we aren't shipping 
broken stuff this late in the release schedule.


--Mel and Sebastian

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