[sugar] Testing and Schedule update, Jan 7

Kim Quirk kim
Mon Jan 7 11:33:25 EST 2008

Jan 7, 2008

This week we expect to finish testing on Ship2.2, with a few fixes as
described in the USR (unscheduled software release),

Update1, based on joyride, is the other focus for bug fixes and testing.
Please use the Test Group Release Notes for a quick note as to whether a
build (Ship2, Update1, or Joyride) is worthy of loading and testing:

Here is the known meeting schedule for this week. If you would like to know
more, please email the person in parens. (Sometimes meetings are not held
each week):

1:00 pm EST, test meeting (Kim)
3:00 pm EST, multibattery charger mtg (Richard, Kim)

1:00 pm EST (note the new time), Journal/datastore update (Kim)
1:30 pm EST, Tubes update (Kim)
4:00 pm EST, Security update (Michael Stone)
9:00 pm EST, SW Dev mtg - critical bug review (Jim, usually via IRC,

11:30 am EST, Sugar/design mtg (Eben, Christian)
3:00 pm EST, School Server update (Wad)

3:00 pm EST, content update  (SJ), line2
4:00 pm EST, support update  (Adam), line2

Most mtgs are on conf call:

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