[Sugar-devel] I would like to help with translating

Devin Ulibarri devin at sugarlabs.org
Tue May 21 14:49:41 EDT 2024

Hi Joshua,

First of all, thank you so much for volunteering!

There are different projects with different ways of pulling in translations.

The one that I'm most familiar with is Music Blocks. If that project 
interests you, I can help.

You could, for example, read the English documentation at 
https://github.com/sugarlabs/musicblocks/tree/master/guide and 
https://github.com/sugarlabs/musicblocks/tree/master/documentation, copy 
the markdown into a new file, translate it, then send to us to put into 
the main repository.

I also recommend that you join our chat on Matrix, so that contributors 
may assist you in real time: https://matrix.to/#/#sugar:matrix.org



Joshua Tan:
> To whom it may concern,
> I was directed to this list to express my interest in helping with 
> translating sugarlabs into my native language, Malay. Do you have 
> advice on how I could proceed?
> I look forward to hearing from you,
> Joshua Tan
> */First year CS student/*
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