[Sugar-devel] I would like to help with translating

Chihurumnaya Ibiam ibiam at sugarlabs.org
Wed May 22 07:57:55 EDT 2024

We have weblate <http://weblate.sugarlabs.org> which contains some of our
projects - including Music Blocks -, which you can use to translate.


Ibiam Chihurumnaya
ibiam at sugarlabs.org

On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 7:49 PM Devin Ulibarri <devin at sugarlabs.org> wrote:

> Hi Joshua,
> First of all, thank you so much for volunteering!
> There are different projects with different ways of pulling in
> translations.
> The one that I'm most familiar with is Music Blocks. If that project
> interests you, I can help.
> You could, for example, read the English documentation at
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/musicblocks/tree/master/guide and
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/musicblocks/tree/master/documentation, copy
> the markdown into a new file, translate it, then send to us to put into the
> main repository.
> I also recommend that you join our chat on Matrix, so that contributors
> may assist you in real time: https://matrix.to/#/#sugar:matrix.org
> Cheers!
> Devin
> Joshua Tan:
> To whom it may concern,
> I was directed to this list to express my interest in helping with
> translating sugarlabs into my native language, Malay. Do you have advice on
> how I could proceed?
> I look forward to hearing from you,
> Joshua Tan
> *First year CS student*
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