[Sugar-devel] Eager to work in fixing the UI of sugarizer.

Chihurumnaya Ibiam ibiam at sugarlabs.org
Tue Mar 14 08:52:51 EDT 2023

The aim of sharing the design wiki page was to show you a design document
which contains lots of information,
yours doesn't have to be that way but it should give you an idea of what a
similar document should look like.

I don't think the old design review committee process should be revived.

I agree with James too, the document doesn't seem have been researched.

You should open a PR on sugarizer to continue the discussion there, it's
easier when there's something to test.


Ibiam Chihurumnaya
ibiam at sugarlabs.org

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 8:35 PM MR. OPTIMIST <panuj7295 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello  Chihurumnaya sir,
>                   Thanks for your feedback and reply to my email. I went
> through the guidelines based on which UI of the sugarizer is made. And
> except color principles i find the design proposal is okay and changes can
> be made(My opinion). All the suggestions in UI changes were made to enhance
> the navigation  experience and reduce navigation time, increase interaction
> time. I have clearly mentioned reasons why UI needs to be changed and
> proposed with effective changes that can be made.
> I wish to make a contribution to the following changes proposed by me.I
> also wish to keep contributing to sugar activities in future.
> Sir can this proposal make space in the gsoc idea list of sugar labs.
> proposed changes document link:- Click me to open !!
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OwG09QhO8nHJqQmccXhI2sKYx5LnEGaEVoW5rv5BN5Q/edit?usp=sharing>
> Thank you !
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 7:49 PM Chihurumnaya Ibiam <ibiam at sugarlabs.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi Anuj,
>> While I think that changes can be made to the UI of Sugar/Sugarizer,
>> there are processes they should follow and ideas behind why
>> these processes exist, the design team
>> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team> page on the wiki contains
>> really helpful information.
>> The document you've shared contains changes to the UI but doesn't explain
>> the reason behind those changes besides
>> "they look better" and design decisions aren't just based on something
>> looking better.
>> There's also the issue of completing the UI change and maintenance,
>> maintenance is a really huge part of changes to software
>> and if someone comes and says we should change something, from previous
>> experience they usually just suggest that change and
>> aren't ready to maintain it so leaving more work to the existing
>> maintainers if the change is made.
>> You've done some research like you've mentioned but the document you
>> shared doesn't show the research you've done but just
>> UI changes, it'll be helpful to point us to it.
>> Hope this helps.
>> --
>> Ibiam Chihurumnaya
>> ibiam at sugarlabs.org
>> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 12:05 PM MR. OPTIMIST <panuj7295 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Alex Sir,
>>>                         Your response to email is very much appreciated.
>>> Sorry for the late reply.
>>> I love to mention that I have used sugarizer for many days and I also
>>> know that its UI has been designed with the vision that it's gonna be used
>>> by childrens. My point is that sugarizer was developed back in 2013 and the
>>> internet revolution at the time was very less in comparison to 2023. The UI
>>> and Ux terms were not that considerable at that time and everyone didn't
>>> had access to the mobile phones and internet, But as of now in 2023 the
>>> childrens from 1 or even less than that start using technical devices and
>>> the UX is what first thing that they interact with like games and other
>>> applications.So the UI of sugarizer is not matching with the need of
>>> today's generation which reduces the user interest (research) to use the
>>> platform. So my point is we can work to enhance its UI to meet today's need
>>> and increase the interaction time of the users of our product.
>>> Considering my skills, I'm a second year engineering student and a self
>>> learner, I have done multiple projects on AI based applications and
>>> developed 2 websites as of now. To authenticate my words hereby i have
>>> listed all my projects in my github account and link of my github account
>>> is:-
>>> https://www.github/Anujverma89
>>> Considering what part of the product and UI can be modified to give new
>>> user experience, I have done research and explained it in the given pdf you
>>> can view it thoroughly.
>>> Here is the link :-
>>> Click me to open !!
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OwG09QhO8nHJqQmccXhI2sKYx5LnEGaEVoW5rv5BN5Q/edit?usp=sharing>
>>> Your suggestions on changeable topics(UI) will be highly appreciated !!
>>> Thank You..
>>> On Sat, Mar 11, 2023 at 12:18 AM Alex Perez <aperez at alexperez.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Anuj,
>>>> I appreciate your enthusiasm, and welcome. Before any UI re-design
>>>> would be considered, we would require detailed written analysis of what the
>>>> goals are for such a re-design, what's "wrong" with the current design, and
>>>> what your qualifications are for making what are largely subjective
>>>> changes. While everyone has opinions on UI design, engineers are often
>>>> infamous for designing awful user interfaces. Please share with us what
>>>> sorts qualifications you possess that would qualify you to make UI design
>>>> changes to Sugar/Sugarizer.
>>>> Have you ever used Sugar for more than a few hours, or a day? If so,
>>>> which elements do you feel should be changed? If you have not used Sugar
>>>> extensively, I would argue that you likely lack sufficient experience to
>>>> propose such changes.
>>>> The Sugar/Sugarizer UI was primarily designed for children of a
>>>> specific age range. Almost all design decisions stem from that basic
>>>> premise. Have you considered this?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Alex Perez
>>>> MR. OPTIMIST wrote on 3/10/23 10:24 AM:
>>>> Hello everyone !
>>>>                  I am Anuj Verma from Maharashtra, India majoring in
>>>> computer science and engineering.  I have worked in multiple projects and
>>>> web applications including AI projects.
>>>> I have checked the sugarizer, it's pretty good but I believe it's UI
>>>> can be improved. Like we
>>>> can add links to words as well as icons, we can improve icons as well
>>>> which is less user friendly(in my opinion).I have experience of working
>>>> with many projects but have not worked on open source yet. I'm writing to
>>>> seek further comments and be open to constructive feedback and criticism.
>>>> Your response to this mail will be highly appreciated.
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