[Sugar-devel] Sugar on Debian 10 (Buster)?

Alex Perez aperez at alexperez.com
Fri May 17 11:17:21 EDT 2019


Jeff Elkner wrote on 5/17/19 8:00 AM:
> ...vreveals that the latest Sugar update for my XO's will be running
> Ubuntu18.04,  but also that it has the same issues I'm seeing in the
> Debian Sid VM with Metacity, I guess?

No, OLPC OS 18.04 will not flash to Any original XO (XO-1, XO-1.5, 
XO-1.75, or XO-4) machines. At the URL you cited, the supported 
platforms are stated as "The target platforms are NL3 and ED20" which is 
exclusive of any of the original XO laptops. Furthermore, this 
(official) version does not suffer from the Metacity bug.

OLPC OS 13.2.10 <http://wiki.laptop.org/go/13.2.10> is the latest 
official version from OLPC for all XO laptops.

OLPC OS 18.04 is likely to work on unsupported hardware, however you 
will not be able to get any help from OLPC, nor from Sugar Labs, if you 
choose to go that route, as we have no control over the composition of 
this customized distribution.
> James, I can't agree with you from personal experience that "Rasbian
> has a very high barrier to entry unless the microSD card is
> purchased already loaded (e.g. NOOBS)."  On the contrary, the website
> instructions for creating your own microSD card are super easy using
> etcher (https://www.balena.io/etcher/).  When you first boot from the
> resulting microSD, it automatically runs a script that expands the
> file system to fill the card, so the steps are really just:

Agreed, this is not hard for most people to do, even if it may be 
unfamiliar territory, especially the first time. Using something like 
Etcher, Fedora Image Writer (for Fedora, obviously) takes away most of 
the uncertainty for first time users.

Alex Perez
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