[Sugar-devel] [RELEASE] Sugar 0.113 unstable

Alex Perez aperez at alexperez.com
Fri Mar 15 22:54:46 EDT 2019


Apologies for the thread hijacking, but I feel it's appropriate...

FYI, I have just discovered that collaboration in Sugar under 0.112 + 
Ubuntu 19.04 is also broken. We must get this fixed before we can 
release the stable 0.114.

See https://termbin.com/qtkh

James Cameron wrote on 3/15/2019 7:51 PM:
> Sorry, I don't know.  I've not done that.  So many things would go
> wrong.  You ought to wait for Fedora project to package Sugar 0.113.
> I'm testing on Ubuntu18.04  at the moment, and it seems okay after
> fixing those two errata in my previous post to this thread.

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