[Sugar-devel] Outreachy - Going Beyond Equal Temperament in Music Blocks

Sachithra Dangalla sachithradangalla at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 03:55:03 EDT 2017


*Mode* is a new term to me and I'm still reading about it ([1] and [2]).
I'm finding it hard to understand the relationship between temperament and
mode or their implementations, any advice on it would be great. Is mode
already presented in music blocks?

[1] - https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Music_Theory/Modes
[2] -


*Sachithra Dangalla,*
Undergraduate B.Sc.Eng.(Hons.)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.


On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 1:10 AM, Devin Ulibarri <devin at ulibarri.website>

> On Tue, 2017-03-21 at 14:31 -0400, Walter Bender wrote:
> > That seems like the correct approach to me in terms of the internals.
> > The tricky bits then come into play when we start applying different
> > types of transformations, such as adding half-steps, generating
> > intervals, etc. Plus, there may be some work to do in integrating with
> > the key and mode.
> There /will/ be work to design something that integrates with key and
> mode well.
> I suspect that an abstract layer (somewhere, in the UI or in the code
> itself) defined as pitch class would be helpful to organize sets of
> pitches as well as have some identifier for unnamed collections of
> pitches (i.e. scales).
> (Some searches on the Internet leads me to find this. I have yet to read
> them, but may be helpful)
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitch_class
> Example of 19 tones using pitch class
> http://qcpages.qc.cuny.edu/hhowe/articles/19-Tone%20Theory.html
> https://duckduckgo.com/html?q=pitch+class+theory+temperament
> https://duckduckgo.com/html?q=pitch+set+theory
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_theory_%28music%29
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitch_set
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