[Sugar-devel] Sugarizer Server Dashboard (GSoc 2016)

Saurabh Badhwar sbsaurabhbadhwar9 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 12:48:57 EDT 2016

Hello everyone,
I am Saurabh Badhwar and I have applied to work for Sugarizer Server
Dashboard idea in GSoC 2016.
I have installed the Sugarizer Server successfully and have done the basic
While working on the plan for how to implement the Sugarizer Server I am
facing some difficulties

1). Unable to find any information regarding the server admin. Does a
server admin account exist? and if yes is there any way to access it?

2). For the Server dashboard, do we need to create a separate admin panel
or should it be merged with the current view (access will be restricted
only to the server admin)

I would be glad if someone could provide some pointers regarding the above

Thank you.

Saurabh Badhwar
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