[Sugar-devel] Hacking on HTML activities UI (was Re: GSoC 13)

suraj ks suraj.gillespie at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 11:07:35 EDT 2013

Finally I'm done with my exams. :)
Don't have to worry about writing another one until May 14(my semester end
exams start then.)

Meanwhile, I've been closely following the threads on HTML activities in
the mailing list.
As I was reading through, few basic doubts crept up.

Do we have to build a sugar app which is supported by chrome in order to
integrate the chrome window inside the sugar shell?
Or are we building a chrome web app which is supported in sugar shell?

Regarding the implementation of the same, which way will we be proceeding?
I meant, will we be following the implementation technique suggested by you
or the one suggested by Lionel?

I'm planning to start work on the proposal in a few days.
It would help a great deal if you could throw some light on these.


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 11 April 2013 18:41, suraj ks <suraj.gillespie at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It might have messed up the installation part.
>> I will check up on that.
>> But, i can spot the xi-artwork folder in node_modules directory.
>> And  where do i set the NODE_PATH?  In the node terminal?
> It's an environment variable, honestly I have no idea of how you set one
> in windows. Pretty sure google can find it for you though :)
>> What i meant was the
>> $volo create helloworld ayopa/omega-examples
>> command was executed without any errors
> Oh ok, that's because there is no xi-artwork in there. It doesn't make
> sense though the second argument to volo create should be the repository of
> an activiity template (which omega-examples is not).
>> Yes, i will familiarize myself with the existing code and will try
>> creating some sample activities.
>> Hopefully i will reach that stage in the forthcoming days where i'll be
>> able to write my own UI controls.
> Cool!
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