[Sugar-devel] Colors in the rim

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Sun Sep 20 12:48:13 EDT 2009

Hi Chris,

On 20 Sep 2009, at 15:29, Chris Marshall wrote:

> It makes a difference with the current sharing of
> activities since various combinations of OS and
> Sugar versions don't work on the XO-1.
> With a number of XO-1 systems running 767 and 802,
> I've been able to share activities 767<->767 and
> 802<->802 but no luck 767<->802.  Some of the issue
> may not be Sugar itself but since for XO-1 users
> the sugar versions available are limited by the
> OS support of the hardware.

Can you let me know the activities you've seen this issue with. I am  
not aware of any specific reported breaks in activity collaboration  
(though I'm sure there may be bugs that need testing and reporting if  
you can point me to an offending activity or two).

Some new activities may support improved collaboration, but I think  
such activities are available for both old and new Sugar releases, so  
it may be that an upgrade to a current activity release would be all  
that's needed. Currently, activity authors are responsible for dealing  
with such protocol compatibility breaks in a user friendly manner, as  
they are the only ones who know when their protocol may have changed  
and what to do about it.

Perhaps we need to put up clearer activity author guidelines and  
design some example UI treatments for dealing with such a case? One of  
the early ideas was that Sugar would automatically download a newer  
(signed) version from the individual you were trying to collaborate  
with, but that solution seems far away now that we have users spread  
over different Sugar releases and some activities with different core  
release dependancies. Pitty.


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