[Sugar-devel] icons for paragraph toolbar

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Sun Sep 6 23:54:59 EDT 2009

Hi Walter,

On 6 Sep 2009, at 15:09, Gary C Martin wrote:

> Hi Walter,
> On 6 Sep 2009, at 13:52, Walter Bender wrote:
>> I created a walter clone of Write where I pushed (most) of these
>> changes. (I need to work on the tables still.) Please let me know  
>> what
>> you think. (I created an icon for the heading-style menu, attached.)
> Hmmm, not sure if I'm getting this correctly in sugar-jhbuild (I edit
> config/modulesets/fructose.modules to point to write/walter.git,
> delete source/write, do an update which looks to pull the new stuff,
> then a build). I'm just seeing some of the new icons in what looks
> like the old palettes, no change to the primary titlebar (either in
> order or content).
> Would you mind if I took a shot at this?

Quick work in progress update: Hoping to get this finished by close of  
Monday, here's a quick screen shot of how things are looking so far. I  
think the primary toolbar is quite close to what I had noted down from  
earlier, feedback appreciated.

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The git clone is at:



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