[Sugar-devel] icons for paragraph toolbar

Frederick Grose fgrose at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 01:10:52 EDT 2009

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Gary C Martin <gary at garycmartin.com> wrote:

> ...
> Insert table icon is already in sugar-artwork, it's called insert-table.svg
> and looks OK to me, but I can't see it being set by the InsertToolbar class
> so it looks like we get a default low res bitmap instead:
> What we currently get is
> What we should be getting is
> I'd be very tempted to use this for the Table primary icon (as well as for
> the add table palette). The rest of the table SVG icons seem reasonable to
> me (add row, remove row, add column, remove column):

The insert and delete row/column icons have arrows that suggest the movement
of the surrounding data rather than the selected object (row or column),
which would be highlighted. Please consider following that convention to
show the action on the selected object, similar to the attached (rows &

Thanks for your efforts!       --Fred
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