[Sugar-devel] [sugar-devel]engineering the moodle-print communication

Vamsi Krishna Davuluri vamsi.davuluri at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 17:19:23 EDT 2009

>No. You'll want to base your work on
>- testing against the OLPC XS - grab the recent 0.6dev2 install image
>from http://xs-dev.laptop.org/xs/other/
>- the 'moodle' git tree at http://dev.laptop.org/git
>there is a good post on how to test (and develop) moodle on an XS in
>the 'server-devel' archives. I normally search the archives with a
>site-scoped search like

the latest dev releases! Okay, onto them the first thing in the morning,
and yep i definitely intend to dig up server-devel archives.

>So it's no longer an extension of the Journal?

I've explored the pycups api well, and I found out that
with minimal effort I can create print queues, and do
printer sharing + wifi printing. (The fallback strategy)
putting all this within an extension is not really perceivable
Having a print activity ensures that we have a much
flexible way to implement everything in the no xs case.


>Within Moodle. There are two 'views' that I suspect are interesting

>1 - the user page, in its 'print queue' tab
>2 - a 'course print queue' page in a module, showing all the new /
>outstanding documents from all course members
>#2 makes me think that this is a more powerful thing than just 'printing'.

I will have to explore these options myself, but of course within a
course would definitely make me worry less about the greater
integration between the group, user and teacher.
by integration I mean, the whole having teacher evaluate and such.

>No problem. Next week my life will be much calmer, and I'll be more
>than happy to have a chat with you.

>Apologies again that I'm not more available,

Thanks Martin! and np! I'm very happy that we could have the discussion
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