[Sugar-devel] need a better name for starting page of karma than "MenuStage"

Felipe López Toledo zer.subzero at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 10:07:26 EDT 2009

I'm agree with NoiseEHC,
something in english will work.


2009/7/21 NoiseEHC <NoiseEHC at freemail.hu>

> Could you please name those items in English?
> I suggest this because probably Karma is one of the most important things
> from an educational viewpoint because it will allow developing curriculum in
> a totally open way. I mean it will allow teachers to avoid locking teaching
> materials even into Sugar so no matter what will happen 10 years from now,
> will Android or ChromeOS (os something totally unpredicted OS) take off, or
> will Sugar spread to hundreds of millions of machines, or will Windows
> dominate in on portable machines or whatever, the curriculum will still be
> usable because there will be some browser in the future that is sure. So
> most likely most of the programmers developing curricula will use Karma so
> it would be wise to name things that will be understandable for the widest
> international audience.
> Just name it as "table of contents" or "directory".
> Bryan Berry wrote:
>> what should we call menustage? it is a horrible name. it is just not
>> descriptive:
>> http://www.pustakalaya.org/external-content/static/epaath/MenuStage.html
>> I don't want to call it the "frame" because that word already has a
>> meaning w/in sugar.
>> i also don't want to call it anything w/ a religious connotation since
>> karma is named after Rabi _karma_charya and not for the religious
>> concept.
>> Words that come to mind are
>> mandala -- which literally means circle in Nepali but sometimes has a
>> religious connotation (ugh)
>> dhoka -- this means "gate" in Nepali. I like dhoka but everyone outside
>> of Nepal will mispell it
>> I  like mandala the best so far . . .
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