[Sugar-devel] Initial implementation of toolbars design

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Sat Jul 18 06:02:01 EDT 2009

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 04:17, Gary C Martin<gary at garycmartin.com> wrote:
> Hi Caroline,
> On 17 Jul 2009, at 22:14, Caroline Meeks wrote:
>> We can put it in front of actual kids once you get a sample working.  We
>> could even try playing the video for our existing classes. I don't know if
>> they'll be able to give you feedback from just seeing the video.  Might be
>> interesting to find out.
> Yes that's an interesting one... I have more understanding of usability
> studies with literate adults, where you can have a controlled environment.
> With the idea that you set goals/tasks to be completed with the interface
> and ask the user to vocalise what they think they are doing ("I'm clicking
> this because I think it's the search button..."). You only interact with
> them once they are clearly stuck, to help them get back on track. Asking for
> any-ones opinion is usually frowned upon in usability studies, as opinion is
> almost always different from actual behaviour – but some opinions are better
> than nothing, which is why I keep asking :-)
> Perhaps I should work with Walter and Aleksey's initial toolbar code and
> make an identical test clone of TA but with the new toolbar design (I can
> use Aleksey's Write mock-up code as an example)? Then you could let the
> class (or a random selection of the class) use it for some tasks and watch
> how well (or not) they manage with the new interface?

If that's not too much work, I think it would be great. If you are
going to get stuck on that, perhaps we can get an informed guess from
the people I mentioned before?



> Simon: have you used TA yet in your lessons?
> Regards,
> --Gary

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