[Sugar-devel] Fedora's RPM format changes break mock in Debian/Ubuntu

Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) bochecha at fedoraproject.org
Mon Aug 17 12:34:35 EDT 2009

>  I suppose the question is
> better stated as 'since when has Fedora supported/enabled Lua support
> in RPM packages, and where was this change posted?'  Quick google
> searching didn't seem to turn up anything relevant, nor does the rpm
> changelog [1] (suggesting its been supported for a while?).

That I can't tell you. I guess your question would be better answered
on fedora-devel:

However, is the "since when" really that important? I guess rebuilding
mock in Debian with Lua enabled would fix the issue right?


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)

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