[sugar] SoC: Language Learning Activity

Steven Mohr steven.mohr
Fri Mar 21 13:03:01 EDT 2008

my name is Steven Mohr. I study computer science dual at the BA Mannheim
(www3.ba-mannheim.de) in Mannheim, Germany. This is a 1:1 combination of
"normal" studies and working in a company. Instead of having vacation I'm
working at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in the department for software
and simulation technology (http://www.dlr.de/sc/en/desktopdefault.aspx).
I've already have at bit experience in an open source projects. I
participated for the DLR in an open source project called catacomb
I would like to work at the Language Learning Activity. I've looked at the
Lingoteach app and it seems to be a good basic for a port to XO. Lingoteach
has already language files and even spoken examples. I would like to port it
to Python. There's a C library which implements access to the language files
so what we could reuse them. So my question is: Who is mentoring this task
that I can talk about details?
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