[sugar] Re: Problem building sugar-jhbuild

gonzalo delgado gonzalo
Mon Jan 8 14:11:39 EST 2007

2007/1/8, gonzalo delgado <gonzalo at tuquito.org.ar>:
> I'm still getting this after starting over and choosing "Go to configure
> stage" when it fails to run autoconf at libabiword:
> *** Building xbook *** [30/38]
> python setup.py build
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "setup.py", line 19, in ?
>     from sugar.activity import bundlebuilder
> ImportError: No module named sugar.activity
> *** error during stage build of xbook: Error running ['python', 'setup.py',
> 'build'] *** [30/38]

I'm starting to figure this one out. The PYTHON_PATH variable is set to:


but the python2.4/sitepackages subdirectory is actually in

I change the PYTHONPATH variable to point to the correct place and doing
"./sugar-jhbuild buildone xbook" successfully installs the xbook activity.
 Now, how do I make that change global?


Gonzalo Delgado.
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