[SoaS] Meeting minutes 2010-02-11
Mel Chua
mel at melchua.com
Thu Feb 11 10:56:00 EST 2010
http://me.etin.gs/fedora-olpc/fedora-olpc.minutes.20100211_1011.html and
full log at http://me.etin.gs/fedora-olpc/fedora-olpc.log.20100211_1011.html
I wish this meeting bot output nice text formatting, but... so be it.
Notes below.
LINK mchua https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sugar
10:14:21 Topic: SoaS as a Fedora Spin
10:14:57 INFO mchua last we heard, snapshots were beginning to work,
so we should have something testable shortly
10:15:27 Topic: SoaS being used for Saturday's testing party in Sugar Labs
10:15:52 LINK mchua http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.88/Testing
10:16:17 Topic: how close are we to upstream Sugar?
10:16:55 ACTION mchua sdziallas answer 'how close are we to
upstreams?' questions
10:17:02 Topic: how close are we to upstream Fedora?
10:17:28 INFO mchua Pretty darn close, I'd think, since SoaS is a Spin...
10:17:34 Topic: deployment reports
10:17:54 LINK mchua
10:18:12 LINK mchua http://blog.melchua.com/2010/02/10/its-like-the-wii/
10:18:38 LINK mchua
10:18:46 LINK mchua
10:19:03 LINK mchua
10:19:25 LINK mchua #link
10:19:31 LINK mchua
10:19:36 INFO mchua the last link is the teacher
10:19:45 INFO mchua the last link is the teacher's blog with the
curriculum plan for the semester
10:20:09 INFO mchua we have hardware, need to do QA before Feb 22 launch
10:21:02 Topic: backup solutions
10:24:36 INFO mchua it was suggested in #sugar that we write a little
script that uses the serial number in /dev/disk/by-id to copy the
homedir/journal-stuffs to the right kid's backup folder when the stick
gets plugged into a computer that's being used for backup
10:25:21 ACTION mchua mchua investigate potential backup solutions
for soas deployment at cfs (blog for ideas)
10:25:50 Topic: contributing stuff back upstream
10:27:09 INFO mchua CFS deployment students ave regularly scheduled
Upstream Day
with the SoaS deployment support, Mel Chua, i.e., filing
bug reports, blog posting, and checking in with Sugar labs community.
10:27:37 INFO mchua Upstream Day for this deployment is every Friday,
starting Feb 26, 2010
10:30:29 Topic: open floor
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