[IAEP] [SLOB] motion regarding GSoC mentor travel

Ignacio Rodríguez ignacio at sugarlabs.org
Tue Sep 18 16:05:02 EDT 2018

I'm not trying to be mean or something, but wondering who is he meeting
from SugarLabs?

> (to visit some Sugar Labs people and his cousin in DC.)


On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 4:20 PM Samson Goddy <samsongoddy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Seconded,
> I believe that members should  use opportunities like Gsoc to Meetup
> fellow members.
> Regards
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018, 8:17 PM Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Background: Google has provided SL with $3000 towards mentor travel to
>> the October summit. ($3300 - the SFC 10%) although we have yet to receive
>> $1100 of the funds. We have also received $5400 in mentor "stipends" ($6000
>> - the SFC 10%). As you may recall, we are sending three people, Devin,
>> Jaskirat, and Shrivank. Only Jaskirat is traveling internationally, so the
>> best estimate is that the travel will come in on budget. As we did last
>> year, we could apply some of the mentor stipend $$ to cover any overruns.
>> (Note we have already approved a previous motion to approve a travel
>> advance for Jaskirat to attend the Google Summer of Code mentor summit in
>> October 2018. [1])
>> The SFC estimates a cost increase in Jaskirat's ticket of $400-$500 due
>> to his intention to travel some while in the States (to visit some Sugar
>> Labs people and his cousin in DC.) Jaskirat is paying for his domestic
>> travel, but the round trip in and out of SF is apparently less expensive,
>> hence the need for SLOB approval. IMHO, we should be extending
>> opportunities for community members whenever possible.
>> Motion: To approve the additional cost associated with Jaskirat's ticket
>> to and from the GSoC summit as calculated by the SFC. If for some reason
>> the total budget for GSoC summit travel exceeds $3000, we can apply
>> Jaskirat's and my share of the GSoC mentor stipend to cover the overrun.
>> This is somewhat timely as tickets need to be purchased.
>> regards.
>> -walter
>> [1]
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2018-August/055603.html
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Brett Smith via RT <approvals at tix.sfconservancy.org>
>> Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 12:58 PM
>> Subject: Re: [sfconservancy.org #1845] Additional US flight expenditures
>> for Jaskirat Singh
>> To: <holt at laptop.org>
>> Cc: <sugar at sfconservancy.org>
>> On 09/18/2018 12:46 PM, Adam Holt via RT wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 12:21 PM, Brett Smith via RT <
>> approvals at tix.sfconservancy.org> wrote:
>>> Adam and team,
>>> Jaskirat Singh is planning additional travel in the US after the GSoC
>>> mentor summit. Some of it is personal,
>> Hi Brett,
>> Travel funds for the GSoC mentor summit do not include personal side
>> trips.
>> Adam,
>> Yes, to be clear, our travel policy states: “Travelers may seek approval
>> to book travel itineraries that include extra days for personal reasons, *so
>> long as the cost of the flight meets the other requirements of this Policy*.”
>> Additional expense *just* for personal reasons isn’t permitted, and if
>> that was the case here, I would’ve declined without even asking you. The
>> planned meetings with other collaborators meant it was at least potentially
>> project-related, so that’s why I checked.
>> I’ll work with him to see what he wants to do but I won’t book additional
>> travel with him unless/until you tell me otherwise.
>> Thanks for your prompt response,
>> --
>> Brett Smith
>> --
>> Walter Bender
>> Sugar Labs
>> http://www.sugarlabs.org
>> <http://www.sugarlabs.org>
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