[IAEP] [SoaS] SoaS frustrations & call for proposals

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 13:40:33 EST 2017

Can you please trim and summarise. That email was almost impossible to read.

> This discussion started with Tony's reference to PIXEL, a live CD of the
> Raspberry Pi OS. That led to a reference to Sugar on a Stick and a
> discussion of its ease of installation. From there the discussion got split
> as I addressed some technical issues on the SoaS mailing list, followed by
> Caryl giving some insights on the suitability of SoaS in comparison to
> Sugarizer.  Peter responded with more information on the breadth of
> technology currently served by SoaS, the Fedora-Sugar Labs spin of Sugar.
> So I've brought both threads together here by cross posting a transcript.

That's not a transcript, it's a mess of hard to follow threads all
pasted together.

> Praise be, Sugarizer has made great steps toward Sugar Labs' technical goals
> and deserves much greater investment as Caryl suggests.
> Yet there remains considerable value in the SoaS variants of Sugar, so
> attention is still deserved there to support the needs of another class of
> users and learners.
> To that end,  I notice that the Fedora 26 proposal submission deadline is
> fast approaching (21 Feb 2017) and so offer this thread and this feature
> page for proposals.

If there's going to be people putting in feature change requests they
need to be the people doing them. The feature process isn't a means of
requesting changes but rather an outline of the work someone is
actually doing.

> Thanks be given for your insights and efforts!

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