[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Samson's proposal to SLOBs

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 02:25:59 EDT 2016

To many cc:s is getting this moderated.  Trying again.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 2:15 AM, Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 12:30 AM, Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Its been 2 weeks since this thread was last updated; has anything else
>> happened to move the proposal forward? Am I right that this will be decided
>> on at the next SLOB meeting?
>> Samson, some more questions below:
>> On 6 April 2016 at 08:00, samson goddy <samsongoddy at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>   Thanks for the question Dave, Let me explain why the Yoruba came with
>>> the price $6,000. Originally, The Yoruba come with a price of 1500 USD.
>>> About the Internet plan in Nigeria is quite expensive. Like i told Tony,
>>> getting a portable internet connection plus the device cost about $300 a
>>> month.
>> Which provider/offer is this? :)
> As a practical matter, full-time internet connectivity is not required
> for effective L10n work.  The PO files can be downloaded from the
> Pootle server (quickly), off-line work can be done in any of a variety
> of offline PO file editing tools. I personally strongly favor the use
> of Virtaal, by the makers of Pootle, as it contains all of the same
> quality checks performed by Pootle.
> http://virtaal.translatehouse.org/index.html
> but even a simple text editor can serve in a pinch.  Upon request I
> have and will provide PO files converted into CSV format for those who
> like to work in spreadsheet packages.
> There are two specific scenarios where on-line usage has specific
> advantages over off-line, neither of which really apply in the case of
> the major Nigerian languages being discussed by Samson.
> 1) Where there is a lot of upstream work in the language, in which
> case the Pootle Translation Memory (TM) features can be both a
> time-saver and a source of consistency in terminology use.
> 2) Languages typically not translated directly from English (e.g.
> Central and South American indigenous languages, some African
> languages in Francophone Africa, etc.).  In this case the completed
> "dominant" (typically colonial) language can be accessed
> simultaneously as a bridging language from the Pootle server.
> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation_Team/Pootle_Alternative_Language
> https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation_Team/Pootle_Lengua_Alternativa
> Even in this circumstance, a viable off-line option can be (and has
> previously been) provided on request by processing the empty native
> language PO file together with the completed bridging language PO file
> such that the bridging language strings are embedded as translator
> comments viewable in Virtaal (or text editor) interlaced with the
> English original string and the slot for the new native language
> string.  This can be done with a tool called instrans developed by our
> friend Amos Batto from runasimipi.org or in a slightly different
> fashion with the poswap tool.
> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/localization/2011-July/003058.html
> Such PO pre-conversion services are provided upon request and offered
> where appropriate as are the complementary re-conversion and upload
> services.
> cjl

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