[IAEP] Introduction to the Sugar Interface-(3 wiki linked pages of annotated screenshots)

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Fri Dec 9 21:30:26 EST 2011

I just wrote these 3 wiki pages of annotated screenshots which I hope 
will be helpful for beginners learning how to start and navigate the 
The pages are linked with a blue top/bottom page bar with links to the 
previous and next pages:

  Annotated Screen-shots covering these topics:

    Introduction to the Sugar-interface 
    Connecting to the Internet 

        Exporting/Importing files and pictures to/from a 2nd USB-stick 
        Installing activity.xo files 
        How to take Screen-shots 


I believe that these pages will be useful medium for learning; as "it is 
a wiki" and anyone can edit it.
I hope you will look at it and give me some feedback.


Tom Gilliard
satellit_ on IRC #sugar

By the way how did the 2 USB sticks that I sent work for your presentation?
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