[IAEP] NN, Mitra, and the role of the teacher

Christoph Derndorfer e0425826 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Oct 28 04:34:28 EDT 2010

Zitat von John Watlington <wad at laptop.org>:

> There is no argument that a great teacher influences many
> children in the right direction.
> But such an effort to improve teachers is completely orthogonal
> (i.e. independent) to both Sugar and OLPC.   Better teachers
> are needed whether or not the kids get laptops.


>> Should OLPC or Sugar Labs consider developing and disseminating, 
>> this teaching style, and a curriculum for training teachers?
> "The teachers must be trained first" is a line frequently used to
> delay deploying the laptops.
> Presenting it with Sugar or OLPC would be a disservice, IMO.
> Sugar and OLPC have the most to offer in classrooms where
> the teachers are horrible or missing.

Where have you seen evidence of this?


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christoph at olpcnews.com

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