[IAEP] Finally trying Sugar

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 12:32:49 EST 2010

Thanks, Sebastian. Perhaps we can package Sugar on a Stick for USB in
various Linux distributions. The normal package installation process
can run a configuration script, which presumably could prompt the user
to insert a USB stick, warn about potential data loss, and verify the
size and format of the stick before installing. Jonas should know if
this will work.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 14:58, Sebastian Dziallas <sebastian at when.com> wrote:
> marilyn at ourdyslexicchildren.org wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> Thanks to you all for your hard work. I am a high school tech teacher in
>> Texas. I wasn't able to figure out how to put Sugar on a USB drive, but
>> was able to burn it to a CD. Now I have made copies for all of my
>> students (115) plus a classroom set. We are going to play with it in
>> class for the next couple of weeks. The students who have tried it
>> already and my own children (8 & 10) are very excited about it.
> Hi Marilyn,
> thanks a lot for your e-mail. Your project sounds awesome! :)
> I'm the engineering lead of Sugar on a Stick and would be very
> interested in hearing about your experiences to work on improving them.
> What you're saying is already a good indicator that we need to make it
> easier to put Sugar on a USB drive - for example, we're currently
> working on a Creation Kit for Sugar on a Stick.
> Please keep us all on this list posted!
> --Sebastian
>> Creativity and collaboration. Wow. Hopefully we can explore all of the
>> features.
>> Marilyn :)
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Edward Mokurai (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.

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