[IAEP] Rolling out Local Sugar Labs

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 19:09:21 EST 2008

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:36 PM, David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> For the last couple of weeks we have been talking about establishing
> Local Sugar Labs.  Most of the conversations have been with individual
> groups that are interested in establishing Local Labs (and the
> infrastructure team.)
> The overriding theme of the conversations has been autonomy.  The
> Local Labs are interested in building on top of the Sugar product and
> brand to provide solutions that are tailored to local cultural and
> environmental needs.
> At this point we have about thirty groups that have expressed interest
> in setting up local labs.  These groups vary from individuals
> interesting in deploying Sugar, to Ministers of Education interested
> is developing Sugar for their nations, to Universities interested in
> supporting the Sugar Labs mission.
> From an organizational standpoint Local Labs are pretty straight
> forward.  As long as they adopt the Sugar Labs mission or a subset of
> the mission, they become part of Sugar Labs.
> At this point we can't offer local labs very much; a wiki at
> country.sugarlabs.org, a mailing list at country at lists.sugarlabs.org,
> and email addresses at user at country.sugarlabs.org, and some very
> sparse guidelines for how to start and organize a Local Lab at
> http://sugarlabs.org/go/Regional_Sugar_Labs .

Thanks, David, this is going to make a big difference.

That's plenty to get started with. I have passed this to OneVillage
Foundation Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria. We will probably have some more
countries to list soon.

> Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero from Colombia is working with Bernie and
> Ivan to sort out and test the Infrastructure issues.
> If you are interested in setting up a Local Lab please add your
> contact information to the table at
> http://sugarlabs.org/go/Regional_Sugar_Labs/Contacts .  As a starting
> point a Local Lab will cover a entire country (or state in a large
> country).

I did Ghana pro forma, and I have asked our country director Kafui
Prebbie to do it properly.

> thanks
> david
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