[Dextrose] Odp: which Dex3 to choose

Dominik Granada dgranada at frks.pl
Wed Oct 3 03:27:57 EDT 2012

Many thanks, we'll test your build and let you know.

Dominik Granada
Prezes Zarzadu

Tel.: 22 545 05 11
Fax.: 22 545 05 10
----- Wiadomosc oryginalna ----- 

  Od: Ruben Rodríguez 
  Do: Dominik Granada 
  DW: dextrose at lists.sugarlabs.org 
  Wyslano: 3 pazdziernika 2012 01:10
  Temat: Re: [Dextrose] which Dex3 to choose

  2012/10/2 Dominik Granada <dgranada at frks.pl>:
  > Hi,
  > Following my previous mail (below), can anyone suggest a Dex3 version with
  > wifi/collaboration issues solved or there is non at the moment?

  Hello Dominik,
  probably the latest XO1 DX3intl built was a test I made while taking
  over release management for DX at ActivityCentral, and can be found

  It is largely untested (I made it as an exercise) and is already sort
  of outdated. You can give it a go and see if it fixes some of your
  troubles, and if so, we could think of making an updated image.

  > 3. Testing Dex3 40/96 we are having similar problem to
  > http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3130  but apart from not launching NM, XO's
  > do not see each other through Mesh once NM works. At the same time they see
  > each other through my office wifi network. any suggestions what we should
  > try to fix it?

  I cannot comment on the particular bugs as that would require some
  testing first, but I can say that mesh is disabled in current DX3
  images as it never worked properly.

  Rubén Rodríguez
  Activity Central: http://activitycentral.com

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