[Dcpr] DCPR annual meeting and get-together

Nicolo Zingales N.Zingales at sussex.ac.uk
Mon Nov 5 12:25:09 EST 2018

Dear all,

As you know, the next meeting of the DCPR is coming up in little more than a week at the Internet Governance Forum, to take place at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Here’s a link <https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-dc-platform-responsibility-automated-decision-making-and-artificial-intelligence> to more information about the session on automated decision-making and AI.

As in previous years, we would like to organise a small get-together to discuss research and opportunities for collaboration in a more informal and relaxed environment than the official event. Therefore, we cordially invite those of you who will be at the IGF to meet outside the main hall at 17:30, so that we can sit at a nearby café until the end of the opening ceremony (and in time to join the welcome reception).
Hope that many of you can make it. If you plan on participating, please do reach out to me or Luca directly to let us know, so that we can take that into account for logistical purposes.

Best wishes
[Sussex logo]

Dr. Nicolo Zingales
Lecturer in Competition and Information Law
School of Law, Politics and Sociology
University of Sussex

+44(0)1273 678175
Internal Extension: 8175
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