[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] SDXO#2620 Add ability to save unfinished games in Memorize.

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Thu Jan 10 12:09:06 EST 2013

>> * I think is better use json to persist a structure like a list instead

> >> str/eval.
>> >
>> >
>> > Hmm.. the  current approach kind of copies the game-image, thus making
>> it
>> > immune to any change in the game-state-image.
>> > Also, having it persisted in any other form will just make the code too
>> > bloatful and error-prone.
>> Not sure how json makes things either more bloated or more error-prone.
> Hmmm.. I was just a bit sceptical,  since we seem to be doing the
> "byte_arrays=True"  and "byte_arrays=False"  at different places.
> Having it as a string, will eliminate all such issues  :)

We are using json in a lot of activities without any problem, you can
safely ignore your skepticism ;)

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