[Sugar-devel] Keyboard shortcuts

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Fri May 1 16:52:22 EDT 2009


> 1. What I think we're talking about:

You're right. While I actually think that, with a cheatsheet, alt-f is
slightly *more* discoverable (though less convenient/accessible) than F9,
your point is good. Let's stop fighting for now and see what others say.


I do have a question about implementation, though:

<homunq> I can use a custom gtk signal from the top level window to send
"show-shortcuts" and "hide-shortcuts" signals. But I don't know if this is
the right design. Is there a way to register a custom signal for all
top-level windows, even non-pygdk ones? Is there a way for non-pygdk ones to
ever hear it?
[13:13] <homunq> Or do I have to take a detour through DBUS and then back to
gdk? (it would just be a detour I think; I'd still alert individual controls
through the same signalling mechanism)
[13:15] * homunq would welcome even non-expert opinions on this question,
because I have little idea.

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