[sugar] First time Sugar user's experiences

Teus Benschop teus
Mon Oct 30 10:30:05 EST 2006

Another thing that I noticed, as a first time user, is this:

When an activity is started, e.g. the web browser, with F5 the user can 
toggle between full screen (sort of), and a reduced screen where the 
other icons become visible. When going a search in google, and it shows 
in full screen mode, all search results are fully visible, but when the 
browser is put in reduced screen mode, bits of the left and right side 
of the browser's window are cut off, with the result that part of the 
search results become hidden. The same happens with the terminal that 
gets opened with F6. The prompt does not become visible till the user 
has pressed a couple of Enters, or till the terminal is placed in full 
screen mode.

Sorry to bother you, friends, with all these first-time experiences, but 
I thought I better say it, so that it can be addressed in time.



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