[Systems] Migrating Pootle from Justice to Bender

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Sun May 21 04:08:11 EDT 2023

G'day Ibiam,

I'll reply in context below.  I don't have access to Bender, so can't comment on the plan completely, but I'll mention what I can.

On Sat, May 20, 2023 at 04:11:33PM +0100, Chihurumnaya Ibiam wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> We need to migrate Pootle to Bender as we have little control over the
> translate server at the moment and migrating will give us more control.
> I've come up with what needs to be done for the migration to take place and I'd
> like comments and suggestions. Regards.
> --
> Ibiam Chihurumnaya
> [1]ibiam at sugarlabs.org
> References:
> [1] mailto:ibiam at sugarlabs.org

> =====================
> This document describes the plans to migrate pootle translation server from justice to bender.
> Backups
> =======
> Database backup; Backup the pootle database.
> They're older backups in /root/ but I doubt we'll need them.
> User directories: 
> Backup current active user directories which include;
> /home/quozl/, /home/ibiamchihurumnaya/, /home/bernie/, /home/aperez/,

No need to backup user directories, let the users transfer what they need.

> Pootle and it's configurations;
> /srv/www-sugarlabs/pootle as /var/lib/pootle/ is a link to it.
> /etc/apache2/newpootle.sugaralabs.org.conf

Good opportunity to fix that typo.  Sugaralabs.

> Other directories: Backup 
> /etc/network/interfaces - would edit to fit the ip address range of bender.
> /etc/postfix/ - mail delivery config
> /etc/ssl/ - not sure if we should back this up as we can create new certificates
> /etc/letsencrypt/

None of these should be migrated as is.  Instead, whatever function is being performed should be reimplemented on the later operating system release on Bender.

> Migration Date
> ==============
> Post Update
> ===========
> Update Service/translate on the wiki to reflect new changes.

You may find the previous migration plan there useful.

Also, you may find it very helpful to copy the virtual machine to your own lab, bring it up in isolation, and bring up a replacement using the same operating system release as Bender.  That will give you a list of steps that you have tested.  It won't need to support mail, but that's a minor component.

Hope that helps!

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