[Systems] http://uservoice.com

Caroline Meeks caroline at solutiongrove.com
Thu Jul 23 08:22:12 EDT 2009

would it be easier to write a plugin that exchanged data with uservoices and
let them keep up with the latest and greatest and do the hosting?

Among its many other flaws our Trac is just really slow.

If we wrote some code to integrate them? what features would we want?

   - Perhaps if we had a way to link a usevoice item with a trac item and
   have all the comments on the ticket automatically show up on uservoices.
   - Would we want all UV items to show up as tickets. I think not.  We
   might want to be able to query, new items this week not associated with a
   Trac item.
   - Would we want all Trac items to show up in UV, I think yes.

We spend a lot of time maintaining our own infrastructure.  I do know that
there are real advantages to that.  On the other hand, getting someone else
to do our hosting also has advantages.

We want to make darn sure we have a copy of the data if we use a service
like uservoices, but it looks like we get that.

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 11:57 PM, Mel Chua <mel at melchua.com> wrote:

> Getting teachers to give us feedback and ideas is going to be tough. I
>> don't know that switching to this tool will make it happen. But honestly, I
>> can't image it happening with Trac.
> Writing trac plugins isn't so bad. I've done one before; coderanger has
> done many, many more. Among other things, trac plugins can provide
> alternative interfaces to trac (so stuff ultimately does get filed as trac
> tickets, but the UI can be different/hidden/email/etc.)
> If you've got a design you're dreaming of and know what you want the user
> experience to be, I'm willing to sprint on this for a weekend (and gather
> others around me as I can, since they'll likely be faster on it than I am)
> and go as far as I can go with two full days of work on it. Might be enough
> to get it done; should at least be enough to get enough momentum that it can
> be finished by someone else later.
> --Mel

Caroline Meeks
Solution Grove
Caroline at SolutionGrove.com

617-500-3488 - Office
505-213-3268 - Fax
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