[sugar-sur] Membership and Elections Committee - Elections 2017-2019 Update
Laura Vargas
laura en somosazucar.org
Lun Sep 11 11:51:05 EDT 2017
Hello Committee and Community members,
Procedure Note: Decisions are taken by majority of votes during Committee's
email communications which usually take place with cc to the SL systems
list, Dave Crossland (official impartial party) and Frederick Grose (wiki
leader team).
***As per 2017-2019 election calendar next Friday September 15 is the
Candidate's Wiki Submission deadline***
So far we have 145 members and 4 candidates for 4 slots!
As per Committee meetings, Ignacio Rodriguez
<http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/systems/2017-August/005520.html> is
officially in charge of all technical procedures for the 2017-2019 Election
with the assistance of the Sugar Labs System team and the impartial
oversight of Dave Crossland.
My task for the upcoming days will be to document on the SL Wiki 2017-2109
Election's discussion Page all decisions and minutes of the Committee
related to the 2017-2019 Election. I (Laura) already started and will
continue to work on this during the week.
Other pending tasks you can help with:
01 Addition of new members to the Sugar Labs member's list. As far as I
know there is only one (1) request pending: Pericherla Seetarama Raju. *#ACTION
needed: *Samson and/or Ignacio please do confirm and update member's list
*Topics for discussion*
01 Ignacio,
Your resignation
<http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2017-September/020036.html>to the
board has a direct impact to current elections as *it would open a fifth
seat for the Sugar Labs Oversight Board 2017-2019 period. As long as you
don't make a formal declination of your board seat, the Membership and
Elections Committee will not consider the seat available for the 2017-2019
02 Samson,
Your unfounded accusations and temperamental attacks are unacceptable.
When you and/or Ignacio have failed to take actions to make decisions on a
timely manner, the decision has been up-streamed and taken with SLOBs
<http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/2017-09-01> like e.g. the
deadline for new members to participate in 2017-2019 elections. Otherwise
everything has been discussed and agreed properly.
03 James, Samson, Ignacio
As Committee member I will follow any course of action properly agreed by
Samson and Ignacio about the tasks derived from the addition of new members
to the Committee.
In the meanwhile I can keep Ibiam and Pericherla on copy. From Hirish I
don't even have the email.
Regards and blessings to all,
Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria
Happy Learning!
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