[sugar-sur] [ASLO] Nueva version Music Keyboard-8.9

Sugar Labs Activities activities en sugarlabs.org
Mie Oct 11 00:24:07 EDT 2017

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0.96 - 0.110

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Notas de la versión:
* Move selection of instrument to the toolbar (Aneesh Dogra),
* Add rhythms toolbar (Aneesh Dogra),
* Add the ability to record and playback compositions (Aneesh Dogra),
* Silence activity stop keyboard shortcut (James Cameron),
* Add a button to save as audio (Aneesh Dogra, Gonzalo Odiard),
* Display keys pressed when using physical keyboard (Gonzalo Odiard),
* Add mimetype for the activity files (Gonzalo Odiard),
* Delay percussion loading to speed up startup (Gonzalo Odiard),
* Change record button color when recording (Gonzalo Odiard),
* Show a alert after save an audio file (Gonzalo Odiard),
* Fix stuck piano notes (James Cameron),
* Fix log warnings (James Cameron),
* Update repository URL (James Cameron),
* Enable translations (James Cameron),
* Enforce source code style (James Cameron).

v8.9 is a backport of all Fedora 18 compatible changes between v8 and v10.

Sugar Labs Activities

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