[sugar-sur] [IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017 Budget

Jatuff Esteban estebanjatuff en gmail.com
Jue Mar 2 15:39:49 EST 2017

Hola, alguien podría hacer el favor de eliminarme de la lista? O decirme
como hacerlo? Gracias!

El feb. 25, 2017 19:46, "Chris Leonard" <cjlhomeaddress en gmail.com> escribió:

> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Laura Vargas <laura en somosazucar.org>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > 2017-02-24 13:51 GMT-05:00 Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho en hotmail.com>:
> >>
> >> Hello Again....
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Hola Caryl,
> >>
> >> The "Badge" proposal is a totally inappropriate use of SL funds and
> could
> >> result in litigation and the possible end of SugarLabs.
> >>
> >>
> > Please do elaborate on this. We have already allocated stipends for
> active
> > members in the past. As I recall Chris Leonard had an 8 month stipend of
> US$
> > 1,000.
> >
> > What would be difference?
> >
> To clarify, I had negotiated a contract with Sugar Labs / SFC for a
> monthly stipend to support the Translation Manager position.  I did
> NOT submit a single invoice for that work (which I have been doing)
> and allowed the contract to lapse.  I have not received a dime from
> Sugar Labs funds in in the 10 years I have been volunteering and I
> have come to regret that I opened the door to the current effort to
> drain those funds into members pockets.
> I believe the funds (the majority of which come from the TripAdvisor
> grant obtained by Walter) should go to their intended purpose,
> supporting TurtleArt promotion and internationalization and
> localization efforts.  I understand that for legal reasons the funds
> are officially considered fungible and in a general pool, but I
> believe we should honor the original intent of the donor.
> cjl
> I now regret having opened the door to paid efforts
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