[sugar-sur] [IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017 Budget
Samson Goddy
samsongoddy en sugarlabs.org
Vie Feb 24 14:07:26 EST 2017
On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 7:51 PM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho en hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Again....
> The "Badge" proposal is a totally inappropriate use of SL funds and could
> result in litigation and the possible end of SugarLabs.
> I suggest a call for project proposals be done before raiding the "cookie
> jar" and leaving SL destitute and powerless with nothing left in the
> coffers (in a short 2 years). Samson has submitted a few proposals in the
> past and I submitted one for Sugarizer Primero last summer. These are the
> sort of things that the cash reserves should be used for. Paying a select
> few a large monthly stipend because "they need it" is a totally improper
> use of SL funds and could end up in court.
> Instead, why don't some of these people propose projects that fall within
> the stated purpose of SugarLabs? The SLOB can vote on them according to
> their merits and approve or not.
+1, i totally agree on this.
> Caryl
> P.S. I did not put any funding for myself in my project proposal. The
> money needed would go to educators in Uruguay, programmers in France and
> wherever else Lionel finds them, documentation writers and translators from
> many countries and educators in many countries to test the product in any
> country, and a PR person to get the word out by sending reps to places
> where they can show the merits of Sugarizer (Primero) to educators and
> other stakeholders around the world. I would oversee the whole thing for
> free (except possibly some occasional travel expenses and entrance or
> visa fees).
> P.P.S. I know Samson could have a good proposal ... or perhaps he could
> oversee the translation teams for mine. Walter probably has some in mind as
> well. Let's get the vision, goals and objectives in hand before progressing
> any further.
+1 here again. Re the SMM motion, i believe it has to wait still we figure
out what will be the vision, goals and objectives before marketing.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* IAEP <iaep-bounces en lists.sugarlabs.org> on behalf of Laura Vargas
> <laura en somosazucar.org>
> *Sent:* Friday, February 24, 2017 3:50 AM
> *To:* Dave Crossland
> *Cc:* Adam Holt; sugar-sur en lists.sugarlabs.org; iaep; Samson Goddy; SLOBs
> *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017 Budget
> 2017-02-24 5:33 GMT-05:00 Dave Crossland <dave en lab6.com>:
>> On 24 February 2017 at 12:44, Samson Goddy <samsongoddy en sugarlabs.org>
>> wrote:
>> > Also, if you have a strong opposition to the model or to any of the
>> listed
>> > badges or badge holders, please share the reasons openly.
>> Where is the $42k coming from?
> Hi Dave!
> As Samuel has confirm, he is not in need of funds to continue contributing
> to the project so I am formulating the model with only six Badges with
> stipend for a total of US$ 36k.
> There are more than US$80k in the General funds account that could support
> this initiative.
> Regards,
> --
> Laura V.
> *I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “No paradox, no progress.”
> ~ Niels Bohr
> Happy Learning!
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> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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