[somos-azucar] Official Feedback for Hexoquinasa v0.9

Aleksey Lim alsroot en sugarlabs.org
Mar Mayo 14 02:45:01 EDT 2013

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:53:27PM -0500, Sebastian Silva wrote:
> El 13/05/13 15:48, Walter Bender escribió:
> >Sebastian,
> >
> >The feedback is helpful. Thanks.
> >
> >From looking at the document, I see it is Sugar 0.94 they are
> >testing. Is that correct? Do you know what version so the
> >activities they are testing? Any way to get access to some log
> >files for the activities that did not load, e.g., Turtle?
> >
> [1] http://network.sugarlabs.org/hub/?activities&org.laptop.TurtleArtActivity&reports
> [2] http://network.sugarlabs.org/hub/?activities&org.laptop.physics&reports

There is an issue, activity fail reports are being visible only
for authenticated users (which is possible only from local
Sugar Network client). Will fix this issue to make reports visible from
the Web as well.

Also, will make it possible (for Web anonymous users) to browse
activity versions that are being used in Hexokinase (Sugar Network
supports layers for its content, it is being used here as a QA
instrument to provide for deployments only particular activities


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