[somos-azucar] Fwd: Re: [IAEP] [Local Labs] Local Labs updates
Sebastian Silva
sebastian en somosazucar.org
Vie Sep 9 23:02:41 EDT 2011
/Raffael of Sugar Labs DE sent me the report for his team, so I'm
forwarding it for everyone to see./
Raffael de Sugar Labs Alemania me envió el reporte para su equipo, lo
reenvío para todos ver.
-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: Re: [IAEP] [Local Labs] Local Labs updates
Fecha: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 08:49:21 +0200
De: Raffael Reichelt <raffael.reichelt en googlemail.com>
A: Sebastian Silva <sebastian en somosazucar.org>
Dear Sebastian!
I am very pleased to be on this list and gladly provide you with my
report. The meeting will be on irc? I will try to attend. Just to be
sure can you send me the meeting details?
Name of team: sugarlabs germany
Mission statement: To propagate sugar in Germany as an free and open
source alternative to the commercial dominated market for learning
software and content. Enable children to find a new (and
secured) approach to computers, software and the internet.
Short Term Goals(three–six months):
1. Open the first pilot "sugarlab learning studio" in Berlin, Germany
2. Set up a mobile sugar learning studio environment, called mobile
lab. To enable schools missing the needed infrastructure to take a
look (and try) on sugar and schoolserver.
3. Provide an open and free internet whitelist, called sweetproxy.
Will be a web service on sugarlabs.de <http://sugarlabs.de>
Medium Term Goals(6 months–one year):
1. Make sugarlabs Germany a reliable and lasting institution
2. Prove of concept for "sugarlabs learning studios", acceptance and
3. Set up cooperation with Universities
4. Set up cooperation with state government and administration
Long Term Goals(one year–three years):
1. Open up at least one more "sugarlab learning studio" in Berlin.
2. Set up a non-profit-based, kind of franchise concept for other
cities. Might turn out as a general roll-out-concept for 1st world
sugar usage.
What does the team see as its constraints from being more successful
in its Mission? What are you doing to try to resolve the constraint?
What can Sugar Labs 'central' or the community do to help?
The biggest constraint at the moment is the lack of "popularity". If
I am talking to schools or other children institutions, they simply
do not know anything about sugar - still much marketing needed. At
the moment I am trying hard to broaden the information on sugar and
get people interested - if I get the chance to talk they really are.
I am definitely following my proposed studio concept, but would love
to do it under the aegis of sugarlabs. Some kind of "go for it!"
from Sugar Labs 'central' would be really helpful here. The - sadly
enough missed - opportunity to present sugar and OLPC at IFA 2011
for example needs some kind of international reference to be of
interest for the organizers - maybe we can try next time.
2011/9/2 Sebastian Silva <sebastian en somosazucar.org
<mailto:sebastian en somosazucar.org>>
/* inglés abajo - english below */
Estimados colaboradores de Laboratorios Locales:
En la última reunión de la Junta, conversamos sobre la necesidad de
actualizar el estatus de los varios equipos y laboratorios locales.
Estoy copiando a algunos representantes de los laboratorios locales,
para que compartan con sus grupos.
Nos gustaría que cada Local Lab hiciera un breve reporte grupal, por
correo electrónico, para el 9 de Septiembre y trataran de estar
presentes en la reunión del 16 de Septiembre.
Walter adjuntó un formato ejemplo que podemos usar para el reporte.
Escribo a IAEP porque acordamos usarlo como mecanismo de comunicación.
Pienso que podríamos aprovechar la oportunidad para comunicarnos y
afinar estrategias conjuntas.
Dear collaborators of Local Labs:
In the last board meeting, we talked about the need to update the
status of the various teams and local labs. I'm ccing some
representatives of local labs I know of, to share with their groups.
We'd like each Local Labs to do a brief report, by email, by Sept
9th, and try to be present at the meeting of September 16th.
Walter attached a form that can be used for reference for the update.
I write to IAEP because this is the way agreed to communicate.
I think we can use the opportunity to communicate and tune joint
El 26/08/11 18:20, Walter Bender escribió:
At the last Sugar Labs oversight board meeting [1], we discussed the
need to update the status of the various teams and local labs.
You are
receiving this email because you are currently listed as a team
coordinator on the wiki [2]. We would like each of you to make a
report on your team by email to the iaep list by 9 September
and plan
to attend the next scheduled SLOBs meeting, 16 September. Below
[3] is
an outline prepared by John Tierney that may serve to guide you in
preparing your report.
I am aware that some of you are no longer active in your roles. In
those cases, could you please send me some names of possible
replacements as team coordinators. Also, in some cases, the teams
themselves are perhaps obsolete. This will be one of the discussion
topics on the 16th.
Note that Sebastian Silva will be contacting the local labs on
of the oversight board.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
[2]: Team coordinators
Wade Brainerd
Gary C Martin
Bug Squad
Simon Schampijer
Pilar Saenz
Walter Bender
Eben Eliason
Christian Marc Schmidt
David Farning
Walter Bender
Bernie Innocenti
Sean Daly
Oversight Board
Walter Bender
Platform Team
Aleksey Lim
Chris Leonard
Rafael Ortiz
Frederick Grose
[3]: Report outline (optional)
Sugar Teams Update Report
Name of team:
Mission statement:
Short Term Goals(three–six months):
Medium Term Goals(6 months–one year):
Long Term Goals(one year–three years):
What does the team see as its constraints from being more successful
in its Mission? What are you doing to try to resolve the constraint?
What can Sugar Labs 'central' or the community do to help?
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.org <mailto:IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.org>
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