[Sugar-devel] Summary of 08.08 meeting with mentors

Dimitris20Cen dimitris20cen at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 10:33:00 EDT 2023

Hey Sugar,

Following is the summary from Friday's meeting with Ibiam, Sourabha and

Deadline Extension:

-   Discussed extending the project deadline.

-   Google's policy allows for a maximum extension of up to 2 weeks.

2cars & Flappy:

-   Identified that certain issues could only be replicated on Ibiam's

-   If no other issues emerge, both projects are prepared for release.

Text Dungeon:

-   Licensing concerns:

    -   As text dungeon is an existing activity, its licensing process is

-   Apart from licensing issues, the project is ready for release, if no
other issues come up.

Cell game

-   The consensus was to progress with proposed changes before refining the

Overall Approach:

-   The emphasis was placed on not overextending oneself.

-   Primary focus should be on addressing open PRs and proceeding with

-   Project priorities are as follows:

    1.  flappy

    2.  2cars

    3.  text dungeon

-   Upon completion of the above, the next priority will be Chat-activity.

Thank you!

Best wishes,
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