[Sugar-devel] Sugarizer Assignments Meeting #9 : 18 July 2022

Rohan Kumar rohanrajput16.phy at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 16:13:50 EDT 2022

*Today, I had a meeting with Nikhil Mehra and had a discussion about the
work items with basically includes *

   - we discussed the daatetimepicker library
   - resolve my doubts.
   - discuss how to get access to the teacher's (logged-in user) journal
   entries in the "Add Assignment" view's controller.

*Problems experienced last week*

   - I'm not aware of how to get all teacher's Journal entries data in add
   assignment view.
   - datetimepicker was not working, then we resolve this issue. Actually,
   I missed downloading the .min.js file .

 These problem is resolved during the meeting

*Here is the list of tasks we have decided on for the week*

   - Fix all the bugs in  add  assignment and edit assignment view
   - Write tests for the APIs.
   - Code updation after  review
   - Fix the datetimepicker library and make it work.
   - Testing the functionality with different teachers and students.

*The next meeting is scheduled for next week on Monday.*

Rohan kumar
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