[Sugar-devel] (no subject)

Chihurumnaya Ibiam ibiam at sugarlabs.org
Fri Mar 26 11:51:29 EDT 2021

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 3:29 PM Bello Abdulhakeem <
belloabdulhakeemolamide at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> My name is Bello AbdulHakeem Olamide
> I am in my 1st year in the department of mathematics and computer science.
> I would love to be one of participants of this year's google summer of code
> with sugarlabs. I have basic knowledge in python and javascript. I will
> like to push myself further by participating in the upgrade of your Port
> sugar and core activities that is listed on the ideas list. It will also
> help me have an indepth knowledge on django. In all honesty, I'm just
> getting myself familiar with the Sugarlabs desktop. I use windows OS
> instead of linux which I feel might be a bit challenging. My zeal for
> learning beats any potential challenge that may come along the way. I am
> hardworking and honest. And I have good communication skills with my fellow
> colleagues. What do I need to get started?
Hi Abdulhakeem,

Thanks for indicating interest to contribute to Sugar Labs via Google
Summer of Code,
we mostly use Linux for development and the issue with you using windows is
that if you have a
problem we might not be able to help you figure it out as we don't use

You should be able to run the Sugar Live build
<https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-live-build> in a vm as you'll need it
to make changes to Sugar itself and
the core activities, I'm guessing you're already using sugar as you said so
Sugar mostly uses the PyGObject bindings
<https://pygobject.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> so you'll need knowledge of
that to be able to contribute to Sugar,
since you already know python it'll be easier to learn the tools necessary
and we don't use Django but that's not
a hindrance to you contributing.

Also take a look at our contributing guide
and feel free to ask any questions you have here on the list.
Looking forward to your contributions.


Ibiam Chihurumnaya
ibiam at sugarlabs.org
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