[Sugar-devel] Building+Running on Ubuntu 18

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Thu May 14 20:17:44 EDT 2020

G'day Alan,

I don't know if HEAD of the four repositories will work together at
the moment.  I only make sure of that during release.  I'm unaware of
anyone else making that check for me.  0.117 was the most recent
release on 17th March.  There's a v0.117 tag in each repository.

My guess is that a required dependency is missing.  We don't have a
complete list of dependencies in the source, but downstream packagers
do have complete lists.

Check shell.log again after stopping the Jarabe process, or a reboot.
The logs are buffered.

Check also datastore.log after allowing time for the Datastore process
to timeout, or a reboot.

If you had previously installed the Ubuntu 18 package sucrose, then
you will have Python 2 dependencies for Sugar and Datastore.  These
are insufficient for 0.117 as it builds with Python 3.  I was able to
build on Ubuntu 18 but I needed to make custom builds of several of
the dependencies that weren't available.  I suggest Ubuntu 20.04,
using my packages;

1.  add this to /etc/apt/sources.list

    deb [trusted=yes arch=amd64] http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/.us focal main

2.  sudo apt update

3.  sudo apt install olpc-ubuntu-sugar

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 07:20:35AM -0400, Alan W Szlosek Jr wrote:
> I've checked out, built and installed sugar (all 4 repos: sugar, datastore,
> artwork, toolkit) on Ubuntu 18. But when I log in to sugar I only see a mouse
> cursor. I found the following in ~/.sugar/default/logs/shell.log
> 1589454823.968838 DEBUG root: STARTUP: Starting the shell
> Gdk-Message: 07:14:00.578: metacity: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily
> unavailable) on X server :1.
> Where do I go from here and how can I help? I had previously installed sucrose
> on this machine, so maybe something older is interfering.
> Thanks in advance for your guidance. Take care!
> --
> Alan Szlosek

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James Cameron

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