[Sugar-devel] Weekly Progress Blogs of GSoC

Anindya Kundu anindyaak007 at gmail.com
Fri May 8 15:29:42 EDT 2020

This evening, I explored a few CMSs and Jekyll templates to host on GitHub

I found some of them store the actual blogs in Markdown format which keeps
it quite simple, although not quite like a WYSIWYG.

*Anindya Kundu*

On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 00:49, Sumit Srivastava <sumitsrisumit at gmail.com>

> Medium has been pushing for a paywall lately, which means it limits what
> you can see if you're not a subscribed member.
> Even though there are ways to get around the paywall, I still would highly
> recommend not using Medium so that it can be available to the wider
> community.
> Yes, GitHub pages (GitHub.io) are a nice alternative, easy to host and
> needs almost no maintenance.
> Feel free to suggest any more alternatives.
> On Fri, May 8, 2020, 11:51 PM Saumya Mishra <2017230 at iiitdmj.ac.in> wrote:
>> Hello Aviral,
>> I just looked at previous year projects blogs , Most of them were using
>> Medium and also one had used github.io. I guess any of them will work
>> fine and it depends on our choice.
>> Thanks
>> On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 7:56 PM Aviral Gangwar <aviralgangwar24 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello James,
>>> Could you please help me out with this.
>>> Which service do you recommend for writing the blogs that also complies
>>> with the community standards? I wanted to run through you if it was
>>> feasible to use a separate service such as Medium <https://medium.com/> or
>>> use a wiki page instead. ( Or any other service you could suggest )
>>> Thank You
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