[Sugar-devel] Sugar on Debian 10 (Buster)?

Alex Perez aperez at alexperez.com
Fri May 17 13:09:26 EDT 2019

There are two errors in this log file:

sh: 1: glib-compile-schemas: not found
gi.repository.GLib.Error: g-file-error-quark: Failed to open file 
open() failed: No such file or directory (4)

|Try sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev and see if it sorts this out, 
although I'm not sure it will.|


Jeff Elkner wrote on 5/17/19 9:01 AM:
> When you say the browse activity didn't work, I'm assuming you started 
> the activity and it showed a "Failed to start" message,
> can you show us the activity log, it can be found in 
> `/home/user/.sugar/default/logs/org.laptop.WebActivity-1.log`.

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