[Sugar-devel] GSoC 2019; Selection of Mentors and Projects

Walter Bender walter.bender at gmail.com
Sat Apr 6 21:49:11 EDT 2019

On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 5:34 PM Rahul Bothra <rrbothra at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 2:21 AM Lionel Laské <lionel.laske at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > As I already said my preference is to have one mentor only by project.
> Thanks. I agree with the responsibilities you listed.
> I'd prefer 2 mentors per project, and the duo can mentor more than one
> project,
> 1. This introduces a room for discussion over the project,
> 2. In case a mentor is unavailable for a while, the other one can fill in.
> I agree with your mentor selection for Sugarizer based projects. I've
> invited Tarun to join as a mentor on the GSoC dashboard.
> Regarding Sugar, there is myself and James.
> I don't think we need more mentors, mainly because I haven't seen a lot of
> prospective proposals yet. I'll wait till 9th.
> Thanks
And I guess I remain an outlier because I disagree with both of you. I have
no argument with the list Lionel shared, although while comprehensive
regarding administrative details, it is pretty short on the actually
mentoring. And maybe our disagreement lies in the distinction between
administering and mentoring. I am in agreement that there should be one
administrator per project. But I think any project worth the effort would
benefit from input from a variety of perspectives: coding, design, UX,
testing, etc. I don't know of anyone in my experience (40+ years of
software development projects) who can do all of that on their own. And I
am not a fan of hard-and-fast limits. I think we build teams that are
suitable for each project.

CC'ing devel as there is no reason for this to be a private discussion.


Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
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