[Sugar-devel] GSoC Proposal for "New Sugar Activity"

Tony Anderson tony at olenepal.org
Wed Apr 3 21:55:27 EDT 2019

It appears that you are making one activity out of two. It might be 
easier to construct two separate Sugar activities.

The second activity seems to depend on internet access. Perhaps 
two-thirds of our users have limited or no access to the internet.

Perhaps it is possible to construct the activity to access data 
alternatively from a usb drive (Storage on an XO laptop is very limited).

Keep in mind that our users do not speak English as a native language 
and are certainly not familiar with Latin. The Latin names are fair 
since they are equally unfamiiar to everyone. However, these names 
identify a set of objects with similar characteristics. Call it a canine 
or a dog, it is still referring to a four-legged mammal, etc. However, 
the characteristics of many phyla are not familiar to the average user.

Consider in making your activities how understandable any text used will 
be. Users who encounter problems, hit the stop button. The mantra is 
'low floor, high ceiling'.


On 4/2/19 3:31 AM, Manan Goel wrote:
> Hi
> This is my proposal for a New Sugar Activity. Please take a look at it 
> and tell me how I could improve it.
> Regards
> Manan Goel
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