[Sugar-devel] ASLO activities with no repository

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at gmail.com
Mon May 22 07:48:41 EDT 2017

4654 music_keyboard-8.xo -> https://github.com/godiard/

4534 simplegraph-3.xo -> https://github.com/godiard/chart

Al TamTam activities are in the same repository
Included is a readme file with info about how to build the activities.

The same happen with all the wikipedia activities
The repository include a readme pointing to the documentation in the wiki
The data files used to create the wikipedia activities are not included
because are too big.

4768 writebooks-5.xo -> https://github.com/godiard/write-books-activity

I think you can find more information in the wiki https://wiki.sugarlabs.
but some of these repositories could be moved to the sugarlabs projects
after the last time the page was updated


On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 5:24 AM, Tony Anderson <tony_anderson at usa.net>

> On 05/22/2017 04:01 PM, James Cameron wrote:
>> On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 10:45:51AM +0800, Tony Anderson wrote:
>>> There are 224 activities in ASLO which do not appear to have github
>>> repositories [see attachment].
>> What do you mean by that?  How are you testing if they have a
>> repository?
>> With Log, Record, Jukebox, Read, PyCut, TamTam, and Terminal in your
>> list, it would seem that your test must be somewhat limited.
>> Log, Record, Jukebox, Read and Terminal should not have been there. I
> assume the eight protected activities have repositories.
> TamTam has four activities but only one repository. I didn't include the
> repository because I don't understand how the four activities are created
> from it, if they are.
> PyCut may have a personal repository. I just double-checked. No repository.
> The search was limited to git.sugarlabs.org and github/sugarlabs.
> Tony
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*Gonzalo Odiard*
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